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46.   I lived with my sister this summer and didn’t have to pay rent. So I _____ save most of my salary.

A. could  B. would  C. was able to  D. should


45.   He _____ if he works hard for the people.

A. shall praise  B. shall be praised    C. will praise  D. will be praised


44.   —_____ he start at once or wait for a while?

—Let him start at once.

A. Will  B. Would  C. Does  D. Shall


43.   A left-luggage office is a place where bags ______ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.

A. should   B. can   C. must    D. will


42.   —Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

—Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

A. must             B. should        C. must have            D. should have


41.    How I wish every family ______ a large house with a beautiful garden!

A. has     B. had     C. will have    D. had had


40.   It has been announced that candidates ______ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can     B. will     C. may     D. shall


39.   You can’t imagine that a well –behaved gentleman ______ be so rude to a lady.

A. might     B. need      C. should     D. would


38.    —Well, I forgot to bring my dictionary here yesterday.

—Actually you _____ it here. You were not allowed to use it.

A. needn’t bring    B. needn’t have brought

C. didn’t need to bring  D. don’t have to bring


37.   —Many people in England love to give advice on weather reporting.

—Yes, but I think the weather office’s computers _____ be more accurate.

A. can  B. must  C. ought to  D. might

