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15.   The hero’s story      differently in the newspapers.

A. was reported     B. was reporting    C. reports         D. reported


14.   -What would you do if it      tomorrow?

-We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready.

A. rain           B. rains           C. will rain        D. is raining


13.   He was hoping to go abroad but his parents    that they won’t support him unless he can borrow money from the bank.

A. were deciding    B. have decided     C. decided        D. will decide


12.   When the old man     to walk back to his house, the sun    itself behind the mountain.

A. started; had already hidden           B. had started; had already hidden

C. had started; was hiding             D. was starting; hid


11.   More than a dozen students in that school     abroad to study medicine last year.

A. sent           B. were sent       C. had sent        D. had been sent


10.   Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _______ the Pacific, and we met no storms.

A. was called     B. is called  C. had been called   D. has been called


9.     Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t’ want her parents to know what she __________.

A. has done     B. had done     C. was doing      D. is doing


8.     Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, _________ in the clothing industry.

A. is working     B. works    C. work    D. worked


7.     The policeman's attention was suddenly caught by a small box which ______ placed under the Minister's car.

A. has been       B. was being     C. had been     D. would be


6.     Years ago we didn't know this, but recent science ______ that people who don't sleep well soon get ill.

A. showed        B. has shown     C. will show     D. is showing

