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30. ________ made the teacher proud was __________ more than half of her students had been admitted to key universities.

A. What; because  B. What; that   C. That; what   D. That; because


29. The picture brought back the memory of the days at Uncle Wang’s in Xi’an, ________ I was treated as his own child.

A. when     B. where     C. what    D. that


28. -Hey, guys! John’s 20th birthday is coming. What present shall we make for his birthday? What does he like, football, pop music, model planes or ships…?

-_______. Let’s make him a model plane.

A. It’s a good idea   B. That’s it  C. That’s true  D. That’s right


27. - How beautiful the dress looks ____ you! Don’t you want _____, Madam?

- Please show me _______.

   A. in; one; another  B. on; it; another  C. in; it; the other  D. on; one; the other


26. I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice ____ I picked up the phone.    A. while       B. after       C. in case      D. the minute


25. Pleasant as they made it _________ in Yangzhou, we felt tired after the long journey.

   A. to travel    B. travel     C. traveled    D. traveling


24. To the great disappointment of the poor peasant workers, a great part of their salaries were _____ by the boss for no right reason.

A. kept away  B. kept off  C. kept back  D. kept up


23. -I thought you were proud of the work I ________.

-I’m afraid not. You’d better change it for another.

A. do   B. had done   C. did    D. would


22. A large sum of money has been raised for the ______ of the poorly-educated children in the mountainous areas.

A. profit   B. favor   C. advantage   D. benefit


21. _______medical care and education are the most important matters that _____ most voters present at the conference feel strongly concerned about.

A. the; the  B. the; /  C. /; the  D. /; /

