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25. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed quite difficult at first, has

  _______ many good changes in their lives.

  A. resulted from     B. brought about        C. took place       D. got through


24. - I saw no more than one motor car in that shop. Will you go and buy _______?

- No, I’d rather find _______ in other shops.

A. one; one      B. it; one             C. one; it     D. it; it


23. China achieved a marvelous _______ at the 15th Asian Games, _______ first in the gold medal count with 165 gold medals.

  A. breakthrough; ranking               B. progress; ranked 

C. goal; has ranked                    D. improvement; to rank


22. However in _______ recent years, _______ Niagara Falls have come to be appreciated more for their beauty as _______ wonder of nature.

A. the; x; a              B. the; x; the            C. x; the ; x             D. x; the; a


21. - Hello! This is Mr. Willis in Flat 2.

- _______.

- I’m wondering. When are you going to fix my sink, please?

A. Yes? What can I do for you?              B. Well, Mr. Willis, I’m very busy right now.

C. I promise I’ll fix your sink this Sunday.     D. Hello! Nice to hear from you.


35. I wouldn’t think it      to ask him to      the club - he’ll only refuse.

A. worthwhile; join  B. worthwhile; join in    C. worth; join       D. worth; join in

21-25 DBCDA  26-30 CBDDA     31-35 DCBCA




34. --- May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word.

  --- It’s over there.     .

  A. It depends   B. Got it C. Feel free         D. No problem


33. The positive meanings      words in an ad and how they are presented in an interesting way play an important role in promoting a product.

     A. are attached to       B. attached to       

     C. attaching to          D. having attached to


32. --- I thought he would give in to me.

  --- That’s     .

  A. what you are wrong         B. why you are wrong

C. where you were wrong     D. which you were wrong


31. You were out enjoying yourself when you _________.

     A. must have studied         B. would have studied

     C. should be studying         D. ought to have been studying

