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35. The Chinese people will never forget 9 a.m. on Oct 12, 2005, a most exciting and inspiring moment ,      ShenZhou VI was launched ,      is always making me thinking of      I can do more for my homeland.

  A. when; which; how           B. which; that ; that

  C. when; as; what;            D. that; which; which

21-25 A D C B C   26-30 C C B A A   31-35 C B D B A




34. Jennifer never dreams of      for her to be sent to China very soon.

  A. there to be a chance          B. there being a chance

  C. there will be a chance         D. it being a chance


33.-Have you heard that Liu Xiang, the Olympic Champion hurdler      to our city tomorrow.

  -Really ?

  -Don't you believe me? You know, I     

  A. will come; wasn't joking        B. is going to come; didn't joke

  C. is to come; haven't joked        D. is coming; am not joking


32. With an examination      , the students felt relaxed and enjoyed themselves a whole night.

  A. being taken     B. taken     C. take       D. taking


31. I have kept the photo      I can see it every day, as it reminds me of my university days in London.

  A. in which       B. when     C. where       D. that


30.      giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.

   A. In addition to    B. Despite    C. In spite of    D. Instead of


29. To admit one's mistake      great courage, which is what I am short of.

  A. calls for    B. asks for     C. sends for     D. applies for


28.-I guess you are going to do some shopping.

  -       .But I'd also like to do some shopping.

  A. Not at all    B. Not exactly    C. Not so god    D. Just so so


27.      , he was a man of the world.

  A. Shoe - maker as was he          B. A shoe - maker as he was

  C. Shoe - maker as he was          D. A shoe - maker as was he


26. Usually what the teacher says will have a deep      a child .

  A. mark with   B. impression in   C. effect on   D. imagination of

