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8. The girl is _______ to give us some help if asked.

A. possible                     B. likely

C. probably                    D. possibly


7. How can you stand ________ in the public?

A. laughing at                   B. to laugh at

C. being laughed at               D. to be laughed at


6. The students listened carefully to the teacher with their eyes _______ on the blackboard.

A. to focus                     B. focusing

C. being focused                 D. focused


5. The boy swore ________ the wonderful film before.

A. to see                       B. to seeing

C. to having seen                 D. having seen


4. Each year some foreign students _________ our school.

     A. are admitted to                B. are admitted by

C. have admitted into              D. have been admitted to


3. The angry lady left the shop, ______ never come to shop there again.

A. determining                  B. determined

C. to determine                  D. determine


2. The boy sat there sad, _______ by his friends.

A. feeling betrayed                B. to be betrayed

C. been betrayed                 D. having betrayed


1. The teacher kept us ________ the same poem again and again.

A. practicing to read              B. to practice reading

C. to practice to read              D. practicing reading


75. It has been announced that candidates (考生)________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

     A. can                                B. will

C. may                                D. shall


74. -Who is the girl standing over there?

  - Well, if you _____ know, her name is Mabel.

     A. may                                B. can

C. must                               D. shall

