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29. ―Did you hear the news this morning?

   ―Oh, yes, ________ was announced on the radio has caused great excitement among pupils.

A. that                           B. what

C. something                        D. all what


28. It is said that the famous football star is not waling to play for ________ would pay him three million dollars a year.

     A. anyone                          B. whomever

C. no matter who                     D. whoever


27. That was______ was first called “India” by Columbus.

A. what                          B. where

C. ale place                          D. then, where


26. ________ I can’t understand is ________ she wants to change her mind.

A. What; why                         B. Which; bow

C. That; why                          D. What; because


25. It was with great courage ______ the boy told the truth _______ he had stolen the money.

A. which; that                       B. when; what

C. as; that                         D. that; that


24. If the south had won the war,________ is now the United States might have been divided into several countries.

A. what                           B. where

C. then                                 D. that


23. He was so angry at all _______ he was doing ________ he walked out.

A. what; that                        B. that; that

C. that; what                        D. what; what


22. A man’s worth lies not so much in _____ he has but in _______ he is.

A. what; who                        B. what; what

C. that; that                         D. what; all


21. It was said _____ was all ______ he said.

A. that that; that                      B. that that what

C. which it; that                       D. that what; that


20. ―Do you mind if Jim will come to help?

   ― I really don’t know ______ a person like him can help me with.

A. what                            B that

C. how                           D. if

