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39. The boy dived into the water and after _______ seemed to be a long time. he came up again.

A. what                          B. that

C. it                              D. which


38. _______ all the inventions have in common is _______ they have succeeded.

     A. What; what                        B. That; that

C. What; that                        D. That; what


37. Mary said it was very important to her that she ________ her work.

A. is liking                          B. like

C. likes                           D. liked


36. Now that you have a job, you must exert yourself in _______ you do at work.

A. however                         B. no matter what

C. no matter how                      D. whatever


35. _______ people spend so much money on their pets _________ us a lot.

    A. That; surprises             B. What; surprising

C. How; are surprised            D. That; is surprised


34. I remember_______ the factory owned a small workshop and 2 machines.

A. when                          B. how

C. whether                         D. what


33. Living things are dying nut quickly. First, we should ask ______ destroying them in the past years.

A. what pad people have been playing

B. people have played in

C. what part people have played in    

D. people have been playing what part


32. One of the men present held the view _______ the book said was fight.

A. what that                       B. what

C. that                           D. that what


31. ________ happens in the world makes us happy and sad by turns.

A. That                           B. What

C. Which                           D. Whether


30. In some countries, ________ are called “public schools” are not owned by the public.

A. which                          B. as

C. what                          D. that

