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59. Is it true ________ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here? (2006启东4月卷)

A. when                          B. that when

C. whenever                         D. that


58. It is strange that such a thing _________ in your school.

A. will happen                         B. happens

C. should happen                      D. happened


57. The doctors are trying to reduce the patient’s fear _________he would die of the disease.

A. which                           B. when

C. that                           D. if


56. We decided, in view of his special circumstances, ________ we would admit him for a short period.

A. /                             B. that

C. whether                         D. what


55. ―I don't think that Bob will come here again today.

  ―Please give the book to _______ comes here first.

A. whoever                         B. whomever

C. who                             D. whom


54. ―What is that building?

  ― ________ the students have their dancing classes.

A. The building that       B. There

C. That's the building which        D. That's where


53. I'm wondering _______ he expects will win the gold medal in the men's Single.

A. who                           B. whom

C. which                           D what


52. Although ________ happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.

A. this                            B. what

C. how                           D. it


51. ―Where would you like to go?

   ―I don't mind _____ I go; I will go _____ you want to go.

     A. where; the place             B. where; wherever

C. the place; wherever                D. wherever; no matter where


50. ________ they were in truth sisters was clear from the facial resemblance between them.

     A. What                          B. That

C. How                           D. Whether

