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6、There were   passengers waiting at the bus stop.

A、two scores     B、two scores of    C、scores     D、two score of


5、Three   of   students are needed to plant trees this afternoon.

A、hundred;the    B、hundreds;the    C、hundred;/     D、hundred;these


4、Paper produced every year is   the world’s production of vehicles.

A、the three times weight of     B、three times the weight of

C、as three times heavy as      D、three times as heavier as


3、----How many pens would you like,Madame?

----Well,I want   these.

A、three dozen  B、three dozen of   C、three dozens   D、three dozens of


2、The writer of the novel is a professor in his    .

A、thirtieth    B、thirty      C、thirty’s      D、thirties


1、It is reported that the United States uses   energy as the whole of Europe.

A、as twice    B、twice much   C、twice much as   D、twice as much


15、It was in this spirit that they    the darkest moment of the war.

A、pulled through   B、prayed for   C、stuck to    D、looked for

1-----5BABAA     6----10ADDAB      11-15AACBA


14、New facts about ancient Egypt have recently    .

A、come into being   B、come to light  

C、made their mark     D、made their point


13、When I graduated from middle school,Mother wanted me to   music.

A、take in    B、take over   C、take up    D、take on


12、Over time,she   all the hardships and gradually learns the meaning of life.

A、gets through   B、goes by   C、finds out   D、breaks into

