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9、In fact,you    have shown me to this station-you know,I’m not a new comer.

A、couldn’t  B、shouldn’t   C、needn’t   D、mustn’t


8、I would love   to the party last night,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A、to go    B、to have gone   C、going   D、having gone


7、   the party,we would never have today’s happiness.

A、If only   B、Only if   C、But for   D、If


6、I insist that a doctor   immediately.

A、has been sent for   B、send for    C、will be sent for   D、be sent for


5、He made a suggestion that the English test   until nest Wednesday.

A、will be put off   B、be put off   C、will put off   D、put off


4、He has always insisted on his    Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.

A、been called   B、called    C、having called   D、being called


3、It has been anounced that candidates    remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A、can   B、will   C、may   D、shall


2、Oh,I’m not feeling well in the stomach,I   so much fried chicken just now.

A、shouldn’t cut   B、mustn’t have eaten   C、shouldn’t have eaten    D、mustn’t eat


1、----I hear you’ve got a set of valuble Australian coins.    I have a look?


A、Do   B、May   C、Shall   D、Should


14、----Mary hasn’t come home yet.

----Well,where   on such a night?

A、must she have gone   B、would she have been  

C、could she have gone   D、ought she to have been

1-----5DCBAD   6----10BDAAC    11----14CBDC


