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12. Recently CCTV station has taken great _______to make a program that reviews the important _______ of the past 20 years.

     A. steps; affairs                    B. efforts; matters

C. pains; events                    D. efforts; incidents


11. -Not getting that job was a big disappointment.

   -Don’t worry. Something better will _________

     A. come along                     B. take on

C. go on                       D. carry on


10. The doctors are trying to reduce the patient’s fear ________ he would die of the disease.

    A. which                              B. when

C. that                                D. if


9. Dogs are clever animals and they can be trained to _________ houses.

     A. look for                       B. watch

C. watch out                     D. watch out for


8. He tried to keep __________, but his trembling hands gave him away.

     A. quiet                        B. still

     C. silent                          D. calm


7. The child had only _______ slight temperature, but the doctor regarded _____ illness as serious enough for ______ hospital treatment.

     A. /; /; the                       B. a; /; / 

C. a; the; /                        D. /; the; the


6. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, _______ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.

    A. situations                      B. facts

C. chances                      D. possibilities


5. He’s not got another job yet and it’s not ________ he will for some time.  

     A. likely                        B. easily

C. nearly                           D. lonely


4. As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into ______.

    A. light                              B. sight

C. eyes                              D. effect


3. What he told us about the affair simply doesn’t make any ____________.

     A. sense                       B. idea

C. meaning                      D. mistake

