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25. Smoking is one of the _______ causes of cancer, killing millions of people each year.

  A) commercial   B) similar      C) major        D) chemical


24. Was it in the white building, if I may ask, _______ he made a speech to thousands of people?

  A) that      B) where       C) which        D) when


23. I wouldn’t speak to him, ______ trust him and lend him some money.

  A) let alone     B) let out      C) leave alone      D) leave out


22. In face of ______ faiure, we should keep up _______ good state of mind instead of being depressed.

  A) / ; the      B) a ; the       C) the ; a       D) / ; a



21. ---Come to my wedding party to be held next Friday evening.


  A) I must. No problem.          B) I will. I promise.

  C) All right. That depends.        D) That’s all right.




6.    When does the conversation take place?

A)8:25 p.m.      B) 9:25 p.m.      C) 7:25 p.m.

7.    What are the two speakers talking about?

A) A TV program.    B) A football game on TV.    C) Things that they are going to do.

8.    What are the two speakers going to do after talking?

A) Take a walk.    B) Watch the TV program.   C) Go back home for sleep.


9.    Why does Billy worry about his English?

A)    Because he failed his English exam.

B)    Because he has no chance to practise English.

C)    Because his spoken English is not very good.

10.   What does the woman advise the man to do?

A)    Go out and join some clubs.

B)    Make English people speak first.

C)    Talk about food with English people.

11.   What can we learn about English people?

A)    They never talk first.

B)    They like talking about the weather.

C)    They are not easy to make friends with.


12. When did the woman come back from America?

  A) On July 5th.    B) On August 5th.     C) On August 25th.

13. Why did the woman like staying with the Smiths?

  A) They were her parents’ friends.

  B) She could speak English with them.

  C) She could eat western food every day.

14. what can we know about English classes?

  A) Teachers are excellent but serious.

  B) Students can sit anywhere in the classroom.

  C) Students can ask questions at any time after class.


15. where are the two speakers?

  A) At a bag store.   B) At a department store.    C) At a store for children’s clothes.

16. What was the man’s trouble?

  A) He forgot to carry some money with him.

  B) He couldn’t afford to buy a bag for his mother.

  C) He found it difficult to choose a present for his mother.

17. what did the man finally decide to buy for his mother?

  A) A nice dress.   B) A beautiful bag.    C) Some skirt materials.


18. What were the man and his girlfriend doing when the horse appeared?

  A) Walking in the country.   B) Swimming in the river.   C) Climbing the mountain.

19. How many times did the man jump into the river?

A) Twice.    B) Four times.     C) Six times.

20. Why did the man come out of the river?

  A) Because he didn’t want to swim.

  B) Because he was afraid of the water snake.

  C) Because he thought that the horse had gone away.



1.    Where does this conversation thake place?

A) On the sea.    B) At a hotel.    C) In a restaurant.

2.    What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A) Classmates.    B) Husband and wife.   C) Teacher and student.

3.    What does the woman mean?

A)    The children’s aunt will look after them.

B)    The children will be away for some time.

C)    The children usully live in their aunt’s house.

4.    What can we learn about Alice?

A)    She likes talking.   B) She speaks slowly.   C) She knows all the news.

5.    What does the man mean?

A)    The woman should take No.72 bus.

B)    The woman should take No.73 bus.

C)    The woman can walk to the post office.



 ------I’m going to the office.

 ------________ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?

 答案:B  通过率:37.2%

 试题分析:本题测试的是连词的使用能力。此题最大的干扰项是A项As。A项与B项的细微差别在于它们的汉语意义,A.As表示“一边做某事一边做另一件事”,而B.While表示“在做某事或某些事的同时的持续过程中,做另一件事”。只要平时有大量语篇练习的经验,那么自然从此小对话中看到:某人要去邮局,另一个人请求他在邮局办事的同时,顺便代购邮票;自然不是要求对方必须一边买邮票,一边办事,如同 As we listen,we take notes,(我们一边听讲,一边记笔记。)那样;你要求对方做的事就是在邮局逗留的时候,别忘记给你买邮票;至于如何买,对方在邮局还要做些什么事,这都与你无干。


 ------ Alice, you feed the bid today, _______ ?

 ------ But I fed it yesterday .

 A. do you  B. will you  C. didn't you   D. don't you

 答案:B  通过率:27.7%

 试题分析:本题测试的是祈使句在日常生活中的使用能力。此题最大的干扰来自有关祈使句的通用语法规则;这就是为什么许多考生误选D项。其实,在大量的听力与口语活动,诸如Sit down,will you?You drive the car,will you?这类语句俯拾即是。


 _____ you’ve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it .

 A. Now that   B. After   C. Although   D. As soon as



 B. After   you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of i.被译为:“在你得到了一个机会之后,你也许可以充分利用它。”

 C. Although   you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.被译为:“虽然你得到了一个机会,你也许可以充分利用它。”

 D. As soon as  you’ve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it.被译为:“只要你一得到了一个机会,你也许可以充分利用它。”



 1)may as well 和 might as well都可用在“提出建议”的情景之中;因此as well在此不    能单独表示“也”的意思。

 2)A项的Now that表示:“以现在看到的事实作为依据的原因”,可译成“现在既然”

 3)you’ve got a是口语常用词语,等于“有”的意思;不能翻译成“得到了一个”,might as well不必译成“也许可以”,A. Now that  you’ve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it.应该译成“提出建议”的:“既然现在你有个机会,就应该(最好)充分利用一下。”最佳选项就这样确定下来了。


 _____ him and then try to copy what he does .

 A. Mind  B. Glance at   C. Stare at  D. Watch

 答案:D  通过率:38.8%

 试题分析:本题测试的是动词在日常生活中的使用能力。此题最大的干扰来自此题有关动词词义的混淆。A.Mind表示“关心,注意”等等意思,B.Glance at表示“很快地看一眼”,     C.Stare at表示“瞪大眼睛目不转睛地看(由于吃惊,恐惧等原因)”D.Watch则表示“观察动作或过程”;此题的下文 and then try to copy what he does.“然后,试着模仿他的动作。”也有助于理解上文的含义。


 Robert is said _____ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in .

 A. to have studied  B. to study 

 C. to be studying  D. to have been studying

 答案:A  通过率:33.9%

 试题分析:本题测试的是动词不定式在日常生活中的使用能力。此题最大的干扰项D.to have been studying来自动词时态的复杂烦琐的种种语法规则。如果平时时态教学从简,“顾名思义”地理解时态的最基本语法就在它的术语名称之中,那么 A.to have studied就是现在完成时态,因为上下文的Robert is said _______abroad,和but don’t know what country…都指“现在”,那么,下文的What country he studied in中的studied又说明动作是过去发生,其结果在现在,现在没有“正在进行”,故而现在完成进行时态的D.to have been studying不是最佳选项。


 Few pleasures can equal _____ of a cool drink on a hot day .

 A. some  B. any  C. that   D. those

 答案:C  通过率:26%

 试题分析:本题测试的是代词在日常生活中的使用能力。完成此题取决于对于全句多个关键词汇的理解,抽象名词如pleasures不一定都是不可数的 pleasure,和否定的比较级 I’ve never seen a better dancer表示“最高”的意思,equal不仅是形容词,如:用在equal work, equal rights, equal pay词组中,这里equal是及物动词,表示“与…相媲美”的意思。全句以否定形式表示“最高”的意思 Few leasures can equal. C. that of a cool drink on a hot day.:“没有热天喝冷饮再快活的事了。” 而“热天喝冷饮”又是众多“快事”之一,故而只能选C.that。


 -------- Hey, look where you are going !

 ------- Oh, I’m terribly sorry. __________.

 A. I’m not noticing  B. I wasn’t noticing  C. I haven’t noticed  D. I don’t notice

 答案:B  通过率:39%

 试题分析:本题测试的是过去进行时在日常生活中的使用能力。完成此题的“诀窍”与     第28题相似。只要把整个对话以及四个选项依照前述时态教学原则翻译成汉语,便可明白应该选的最佳选项是什么:

 ------- Hey, look where you are going! (嘿,走路瞧着点儿!)

 -------Oh, I’m terribly sorry.__________.(啊,真是太对不起了!)

 A. I’m not noticing(我现在没有在留神。)  B. I wasn’t noticing(我刚才没有在留神。)  C.I haven’t noticed(到现在我还没有注意到。)  D. I don’t notice(我经常不注意。)

 可见,B.I wasn’t noticing(我刚才没有在留神。),与上文意思最下机相近,也可以灵活一点儿,翻译成为“我刚才的确走路没有瞧着点儿”。


 When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door ________ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.”


 试题分析:本题测试的是动词各种形式在日常生活情景中的使用能力。此题最大的干扰项 A. read来自动词的最常见的句型规则 see sib do sth。如果平时仅仅机械操练语法句型规则,而没有大量的英语实际交际活动,没有语感,则必然会误选A项。


20. Mr Wang is wet through. He _______ caught in the rain.

 A. must be   B. must have been

 C. must has been  D. must have   答案:B

