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2. In some parts of the world, tea _______ with milk and sugar.

  A. is serving  B . is served  C. serves   D. served




1. One ought _______ for what one hasn’t done.

 A. not to be punished   B. to not be punished

 C. to not punished    D. not be punished



6. We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it ________ very well.

 A. worked out  B. tried out   C. went on   D. carried on   A通过率:13%

 ※I hoped that our firm would join up with one of the largest companies of the country .

 But it doesn’t seem to be working out that way .

 ※------I wonder if you can work out this problem .

 ------ I shan’t know until you try me out .

 ※Please carry on as usual while I listen to the class .

 ※--I want to go on being a teenager, because I am enjoying every minute of it .



5. The WTO cannot live up to its name _____ it does not include a country that is home to   one fifth of mankind .

 A. as long as   B. while   C. if   D. even though 答案:C   通过率:46%



4. --------How are you today ?

 --------Oh, I ______ as ill as I do now for a very long time . 答案:D  通过率:48%

 A. didn’t feel  B. wasn’t feeling

 C. don’t feel   D. haven’t felt


 (使人想起“(1)haven’t seen you for ages.”“好久没有见到你了。”)


3. -----Hey, look where you are going! 答案:B  通过率:39%

 -----Oh, I'm terribly sorry . __________ .

  A. I’m not noticing B. I wasn’t noticing

 C. I haven’t noticed D. I don’t notice

  -----Hey, look where you are going! (嘿,走路瞧着点儿!)

 (-----Oh, I’m terribly sorry.__________. (啊,真是太对不起了。___________ 。)

 A. I’m not noticing (我现在没有留神)  B. I wasn’t noticing(我刚才没有在留神。)

 C.I haven't noticed (到现在还没有注意到。)  D.I don’t notice  (我经常不注意。)

 B. 也可翻译成为“我刚才的确走路没有瞧着点儿”。


2._____ you’ve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it .

  A. Now that   B. After   C. Although   D. As soon as  答案:A  通过率:34%

 种种不够准确的翻译,如 B. After  you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 被译为:“在你得到了一个机会之后,你以许可以充分利用它。”  C. Although  you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 被译为“虽然你得到了一个机会,你也许可以充分利用它。” D. As soon as  you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 被译“只要你一得到了一个机会,你也许可充分利用它。”语感:

 1)may as well和might as well用在“提出建议”,不表示“也”的意思。2)Now that表示:“以现在看到的事实作为依据的原因”,可译成“现在既然” 3)you’ve got a 是口语“有”;不能翻译成“得到一个”,might as well不必译成“也许可以”,A. Now that  you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 应该译成“提出建议”的:“既然现在你有个机会,就应该(最好)充分利用一下。”最佳选项就这样确定下来了。


1. --------Alice , you feed the bid today, _______ ?

 -------But I fed it yesterday. 答案:B   通过率:27.7%

 A. do you B. will you C. didn’t you D. don’t you

 ( Sit down , will you ? You drive the car , will you 这类语句俯拾即是。)


1.A: Can I help you, sir?  B:Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday , but it _______.  A.didn’t work  B.won’t work  ’t work  D.doesn’t work  答案:D.  解析:本题考察学生对动词时态的理解与运用能力。本题讲的是一位顾客对店员说昨天在这买的收音机根本不响。正确理解题目所提供的语境是做好这道题的关键所在。选项A只说明过去,不说明现在。选项B是预测将来会出问题,而选项D说明现在收音机不响了,所以D是最佳答案。选项C表示的含义是这台收音机是根本就开不响的废品,而废品收音机,人们是不会买回去欣赏的。 2.A: Is this raincoat yours?  B: No, mine______ there behind the door.  A.hangs B.has hung C.is hanging D.hung  答案:C  解析:本题考察学生对动词现在进行时的理解程度。现在进行时除了表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作之外,还可代替一般现在时,表示一种情感,如赞叹,厌烦或是为了强调情况的暂时性。选项C正可表示出这种暂时的状态,一为“雨衣正在门后挂着呢”。而选项B,c时态明显不对。选项A,虽说一般现在时能用,但与现在进行时相比,还是后者更加。因为一般现在时仅表示一种状态,表示“某地挂有某物”,不强调说话人要强调的某一动作或状态的暂时性。 3.In some parts of the world, tea______ with milk and sugar.  A.is serving B.is served C.serves D.served  答案:B  解析:本题考察学生对动词被动语态的理解。Serve时及物动词,选错的原因是受汉语的影响,汉语中把“服务”看成不及物动词,而英语中的serve是及物动词。所以,学习英语时要尽量排除本族语的干扰。 4.So these animals find a hiding place ______ all through the winter.  A.and sleeping B.and slept C.sleeping D.sleep  答案:C.  动词-ing形式做行为方式状语表示伴随状况,相当于具有并列谓语的句子,本句相当于:So these animals find a hiding place and sleep all through the winter. 5.He made some marks in the article where________.  A. he was necessary B.necessary  C.it necessary   D.was necessary  答案:B.  以where,when if ,though,as if 等引导的状语从句,如果从句主语是it,或者从句主语和主句语相同,那么可以省略从句主语以及后面的be,故用:where( it was )necessary. 6.改错:  Nowhere the world has ever seen such great enthusiasm for learning as in this country.  词题中the world has 应改为:has the world 。以nowhere,never,little,seldom,hardly等否定副词开头的句子是为了强调,句子用部分倒装。


 Last week I was invited to a doctor’s meeting? at the Ruth Hospital for incurables. In one of the wards (病房) a patient, an old man, get up, shakily from his bed and moved towards me. I could see that he hadn’t long to live, but he came up to me and placed his right foot close to mine on the floor.    “Frank!” I cried in astonishment. He couldn’t  l_ , as I knew, but all the time  2  his foot against mine.    My  3  raced back more than thirty years-to the dark days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The   4  was an air-raid shelter (防空洞), in which I and about a hundred other people  5  every night. Two of the  6  were Mrs West and her son Frank.     7  wartime problems, we shelter dwellers (居住者) got to  8  each other very well. Frank West interested me because he wasn’t  9   , not even at birth. His mother told me he was 37 then, but he had  10 of a mind than a baby has. His ‘speech’' consisted of rough sounds -sounds of pleasure or anger-and  11  more. Mrs West, then about 75, was a strong, capable (有能力的) woman,  12  she had to be of course, because Frank  13  on her entirely. He needed all the  14  of a baby.  One night a policeman came and told Mrs West that her house had been  15  by a 500-pounder. She lost nearly everything she owned.   16   that sort of thing happened, the rest of us helped the  17  ones. So before we separated that morning, I stood beside Frank and  18  my right foot against his. They were about the same  19  . That night, then, I took a pair of shoes to the shelter for Frank. But as soon as he saw me he came running and placed his right foot against mine. After that, his  20  to me was always the same.

1. A. answer B. speak  C. smile  D. laugh

 [解析]从后文知道, Frank为“痴呆”。  答案:A

2. A. covering    B. moving  C. fighting  D. pressing

 [解析] 只有D项更接近上文和下文中的place, measure等词。  答案:D

3. A. minds   B. memories  C. thoughts   D. brains

 [解析] 思绪回到了30年前。  答案:C

4. A. cave    B. place   C. sight   D. scene  答案:B

5. A. slept    B. worked  C. studied   D. lived

 [解析]D项为长期居住点,不合适,本句可以译为住在那儿,睡在那儿。但住也是临时性的。 答案:A

6. A. customers   B. regulars  C. visitors  D. members 


7. A. Discussing   B. Solving  C. Sharing    D. Suffering

 [解析]共同应付战时问题。share在此为“分担”。  答案:C

8. A. learn from   B. talk to   C. help    D. know  答案:D

9. A. normal    B. common  C. unusual      D. quick

 [解析]从生下来就不正常。  答案:A

10.A. more    B. worse    C. fewer    D. less

 [解析]他还不如一个婴儿的能力。   答案:D

11. A. not     B. no  C. something   D. nothing  答案:B

12.A. though   B. yet   C. as        D. so

 [解析]补充说明原因。   答案:C

13.A. fed B. kept   C. lived   D. depended   答案:D

 14. A. attention B. control   C. treatment D. management

 [解析] treatment治疗。他需要像婴儿那样让人费神。   答案:A

 15. A. flattened B. weakened C. stolen  D. cleaned  


 16 .A. While B. Until   C. Unless    D. When

 [解析]当这类事情发生时,我们其他人就帮助这不幸的人。 答案:D

 17 .A. lost B. unlucky   C. angry   D. unpopular  答案:B

 18 .A. push B. tried     C. showed  D. measured

 [解析]用我的右脚比量一下他的脚,以便给他买双鞋。  答案:D

19.A. length B. weight    C. style   D. size  答案:D

20. A.speaking B.greeting  C.meeting   D.acting  答案:B

