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1. He said he was dying of ______(渴) .  答案: thirst


1. I think it was George who said this, ____ ?  A don’t I B. doesn’t he C. didn’t he D. wasn’t it  分析: 答案为D. 反意疑问句中, 对 “我” 进行反问毫无意义; 尽管宾语部分是一个强调句型, 但形式上应与it 保持一致. 2.---- Did he write the article for the newspaper?  --- He ____ not have finished it, for he was sick and in hospital all the time.  A. might B. could C. should D. must  分析: 答案为B. 从后句for he was sick and in hospital all the time可知, “他肯定没有完成”, 对过去的否定推测, 语气为肯定,情态动词用could. 3. Every time I see her at her home, she ____ hard in her room.  A. worked B. is working C. will work D. has worked  分析:答案为B .每次见到对方时, 她都在学习, 所以用进行时. 4.---- Why haven’t you bought any bread?  ---- I ____ to but I forgot about it.  A. liked B. meant C. wished D. expected  分析:答案为B. mean to do sth. 意为 “本来计划或打算做某事”, 符合上下文题意. 5. ---- Does anyone want to go to the theatre?  ---- Whom would you rather ____ with you, John or Ted?.  A. go B. to go C. have gone D. have go  分析:答案为D. 此处是 have sb. do sth. 结构. 陈述句语序为You would have whom go with you. 故答案为D. 6. She ____ on her way to school. I just phoned her home and got no answer.  A. should be B. might have been C. must be D. could have been  分析:答案为C . 从后句 I just phoned her home and got no answer 可知, 她不在家. must be表示对现在的肯定推测. 7. Television, marked by rapid change and refinement, is entering a new period, ____ to reshape our life and our world.  A. that promises B. as is promised C. which promises D. what promises  分析:答案为C. 非限制性定语从句, 补充说明另一新内容, 故选C. 8. What should the people do to solve the food problem if they live in hilly areas ____ is hard to grow crops?  A. where B. when it C. that D. where it  分析:答案为D. 所选项应是定语从句中的关系副词, 地点状语, 而且从句中又缺乏形式主语,故选D. 9. Our town has dozens of factories, ____ several sawmills.  A. included B. are including C. are included D. including  分析:答案为D. 介词意为 “包括”. 本句可作为 “Our hometown has dozens of factories, several sawmills included. “来理解. including 与factories保持一致. 10. ____ from his appearance, he must be from the north.  A. Judging B. Judge C. Judged D. To judge  分析:答案为A. judging from/ by作为介词短语, 习惯上不与句子的主语保持一致 ( 即 “主动语态表被动含义”), 故不说judged from/ by .类似的例子还有:  She is very young, ____ her age.  A. concerning B. thinking C. regarding D. considering  答案为D.


10. While building a tunnel through the mountain, _______.

 A. an underground lake was discovered

 B. there was an underground lake discovered

 C. a lake was discovered underground

 D. the workers discovered an underground lake

 [解析]当分词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子主语。又因为现在分词表主动、进行,过去分词表被动、完成,所以只有选项D中的主语the workers才能发出building这个动作。



9. Summers in _______ South of France are for   _______ most part dry and sunny.

 A. 不填;a     B. the; 不填   C. 不填;不填    D. the; the

 [解析]第一个空是考查定冠词的基本用法,用于方位词的前面,如:in the east of China, in the west。第二个空是固定搭配for the most part“在大多数情况下,多半”。即“夏季法国南部的气候多半是晴朗和干燥的”。



8. _______ book of this writer is East and West.

 A. Known to be the best     B. It was the best known

 C. Known as the best     D. The best known



7. All the rooms are _______ with electric light.

 A. supplied      B. given     C. offered       D. burnt

 [解析]supply sb. / sth. With sth., give/ offer sb. sth.



6. We waited _______ for the bus.

  A. long time   B. a long time  C. the long time D. some long time  答案:B 


5. The first textbook _______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

  A. having written    B. to be written   C. being written   D. written

 [解析]过去分词作定语表被动、完成;而现在分词的被动式作定语,则表进行、被动。      答案:D


4. Careless driving _______ a lot of highway accidents.

  A. affects    B. makes    C. causes    D. results

 [解析] cause = make happen, be the cause of =result in



3. We won’t give up _______ we should fail ten times.

 A. even if     B. since     C. whether     D. until

 [解析] 主句和从句为让步关系。     答案:A

