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 例1 -When shall we meet again?

 - Make it________ day you like, it’s all the same to me. (96年高考题)

 A. one  B. any  C. another  D. some

 分析 one day表示“某一天”,可用在一般过去时,当它用在将来时的句中,可与some day互换,another day指另一天。原题中it’s all the same to me 和you like 暗示,只能选any day“即你喜欢定在哪一天或随便哪一天都行”。例如:

 (1)I think he will succeed one day (some day).  (2)You can take any book you like.

 答案 选B。

 例2  It was only when I reread his poems recently ________ I began to appreciate their beauty.    (98年高考题)

 A. until   B. that    C. then    D. so

 分析  本题考查强调句型,强调句型中如果被强调的成分是状语,只用that, 不用where 或 when或when。  例如:  (1)It was in the classroom that we held the meeting.

   (2)It was not until he came back that I went to bed.    答案 选B。

 例3. _________ has helped to save the downing girl is worth praising.

 A. Who    B. The one    C. Anyone      D. Whoever

 本题考查whoever 引导的主语从句。is worth praising缺少主语,其前应是主语从句,因此可排除B、C两项。若选A,全句意为“救了溺水女孩的那个人值得表彰”,似乎其他人要是救了溺水少女就不值得表彰,显然不合逻辑。故选D,有让步意义。

 例4 单句改错

 -Is he handsome?

 -Yes, he is sure.

 分析   此题中he is sure. 应改为he sure is. 或者Sure, he is, sure是副词。表示当然英俊的意思。而he is sure. 中的sure是形容词,作“肯定”,“有把握”解。如:

 -Are you tired? 你累了吗?   -Yes, I sure am. 当然,我的确很累。

 例5. It was ________ he said ______ disappointed me

 A. what. . . that  B. that. . . that  C. what. . . what  D. that . . . what

 本考查名词性从句与强调句型的连用。在题目中,said缺少宾语,disappointed缺少主语。第1空填what是显而易见的,这样what he said可以作disappointed me 的主语。因此第2空填that,构成It was…that…强调句型。

 例6.I hate ________ when people talk with their mouths full.

 A. it  B. that  C. these  D. them


 例7.Dr. Black, comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I can’t remember _______.

 A.    where  B. there  C. which  D. that

 本题考查名词性从句的简略形式。由于上文中已提供了选择范围Oxford 或Cambridge,故选which.

 例8.______ she was chosen head of the factory made news.

 A.Which     B.That     C.What     D.It

 此题中正确答案是B.句中that引导主语从句出现句首。选相中的A(which)不可做连词,不能引出主语从句。选项C中的what 和选项D的it 都不符合题意。

 例9.______that the troops have already crossed the border.

 A.People are believed    B.It believed    C.It is believed   D.It was believing

 词题中正确答案是C(It is believed),句中先行词it 是形式主语,代替真正主语that-clause,相当于people believe + that-clause.选项A用被动语态,显然错误。

 例10.So you have to leave, how nice it______ if  you could stay a bit longer.

 A.would be    B.be     C.is     D.was



10. These houses are sold at such a low price _______ people expected.

  A. like  B. as   C. that   D. which  

 [解析] 在such…that…和such…as…结构中,that引导结果状语从句,而as引导定语从句。that在结果状语从句中只起引导作用,不作句子成分;as在定语从句中既起引导作用,又要作句子成分。在本题里,关系代as作及物动词expected的宾语。答案: B

A Piece of Cake  某天好友Carmen 来到我家中做客,带了一些自制的甜饼干/曲奇饼(cookies)给我品尝,我觉得好吃极了,于是询问她所需的材料及制作方法。  Carmen 充满自信地对我说:"Oh! It's a piece of cake!"  当时我并不理解此言的真实含义,心有不甘地对她说:"Don't fool me around! I know these are cookies but not pieces of cake! (跟我开玩笑吧!我知道这些是甜饼干而非一片蛋糕!)"  岂料Carmen听罢大笑起来,(请学生查阅词典,探究此句的含义)……

 Carmen听罢大笑起来,知道我误会她的意思,急忙向我解释道:"A piece of cake, when I mean here, is a very easy task(一片蛋糕在这儿的意思是一件非常容易、简单的事情或任务)。""噢!原来很多时候,英文句子或成语都隐含别意,不能断章取义,否则便贻笑大方了!"

Getting Cold Feet

 班上一位同学新近找到了工作,我们都向她表示祝贺。她除了表示感谢之外,然后说:"I think I'm getting cold feet." (请学生查阅词典,探究此句的含义)……

 我听了觉得很奇怪,就问老师:"为什么她的脚会冷呢?"老师说:"这是美语中的俚语,意思是说'她害怕做新的工作'。"我这才明白她说"getting cold feet"的意思。 Over the Hump  我在餐厅打工时,有些老客人见得多了,总爱跟我随便聊上几句,有天中午,一位客人一进门就笑呵呵地说:"Over the hump today,oh?"见我满脸困惑不解的样子,他又添上一句:"Wednesday today, Weekend is close."(问学生:why is weekend close?)   我这才恍然大悟,Weekday 有5天,星期三一过,离周未也就不远了,果然是"Over the hump(一个星期过去一半了)"了。  于是联想在台湾上学时,常把星期三称为小周未,偷闲看电影、跳舞。表达方式虽不同,表现出来的却都是盼着周未到来,一解平时工作、学习辛苦的心情。


9. Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while, but soon _______ to his old :ways.

 A. returned B. returns  C. was returning D. had returned       [解析] 本题应抓住关键词but, 由此得知这儿是前后两个紧密连接的动作,时态上应保持一致,前面是一般过去时,后文也应用一般过去时。答案: A  


8. He ran towards the seaside and ______ into the water.

 A. dived B. sank C. headed D. bathed       

 [解析] dive into the water = jump head first into the water 跳入水中; sink in water 沉没水下;bathe in the sea 在海中沐浴,bathe oneself in water 把自己泡在水里。 答案: A


7. _____._ much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do.

 A. How B. Whatever C. However D. No matter

 [解析] however同形容词或副词连用 no matter how 引导一个让步状语从句。 答案: C  


6. If you are _______ about Australian cities, just read the book written by Dr. Johnson.

 A. interested B. anxious C. upset D. curious      

 [解析] curious about sth. = interested in sth.   答案: D  


5. If you go to Xi’ an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly _______.

  A. supposing B. supposed  C. to suppose  D. suppose

 [解析] than- cl.省去they (the palaces) are,因the palaces是more magnificent 的逻辑主语,可视为主语相同,且有be,故可省。   答案: B


4. I remember ______ this used to be a quiet village.

  A. when  B. where C. how D. what

 [解析] when引导宾语从句,when = at what time; C、D 项,应为how quiet a village, what a quiet village。   答案: A


3. Readers can _______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

 A. get over B. get in  C. get along D. get through

 [解析] get along well = make good progress (in reading)表顺利地进行(读)下;而get through= reach the end of。  答案: C


2. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes ______.

 A. open  B. to be opened C. to open D. opening

 [解析] 作keep的宾语补足语,表状态用形容词或过去分词;当既有过去分词,又有相应的形容词时,补语用形容词。  答案: A

