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1. -His father is a worker and works very hard.  -_________.  A. So is mine B. So does mine  C. So it is the same with me D. So it is with mine  答案:D 2. If you don’t go there, _______.  A. so won t I  B. nor do I  C. neither shall I D. so don’t I  答案:C 3. Hardly _______ the bus station when the bus started.  A. has she arrived at B. had reached she  C. did she arrive at  D. had she reached  答案:D 4. _______ are the days when we used foreign oil.  A. To go B. Going C. Gone D. Go 答案:C 5. Look! ______.  A. Away he went B. He went away  C. Out went he D. Away went he 答案:A 6. Listen!________.  A. There the bell goes B. The bell there goes  C. The bell goes there D. There goes the bell 答案:D 7. _______, they went on working.  A. Cold it was B. Cold as it was  C. It was cold D. It was as cold 答案:B 8. Not until 7:00 _______.  A. he got up  B. he didn’t get up  C. did he get up D. didn’t he get up 答案:C 9. No sooner ______ down ______ the telephone rang.  A. had he sat; when B. has he sat; when  C. has he sat; than D. had he sat; than  答案:D 10. Seldom ________ her reading aloud because she is too shy.  A. do we hear B. we heard  C. we don’t hear D. we have heard 答案:A 11. After that we never saw her again, nor_______ from her.  A. did we hear B. we heard  C. had we heard D. we have heard 答案:A 12. South of the city _______.  A. a big factory lies  B. lie a big factory  C. a big factory is lying D. lies a big factory  答案:D 13. -It was hot yesterday.  -_______.  A. It was so B. So was it  C. So it was D. So it did 答案:C 14. Only when you realized the importance of English_______ it well.  A. you can learn B. can you learn  C. you learn  D. you will learn 答案:B 15. Not only ______ us light, but also it gives us heat.  A. the sun gives  B. does the sun give  C. the sun does give D. the sun has given  答案:B


20. The problem is _____ will go.

 A. that B. that who C. who D. whoever


19. _____ wants the book many have it.

 A. who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. The person


18. _____ I will accept the gift is none of your business.

 A. If B. Whether C. What D. Which

