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5. forgive

 A.balloon B.hearing C.lead D.liberation



4. future

 A. support B.due C.rubber D.pull


3. repay

 A.relative B.recover C.remind D.repairs



 A.otherwise B.truth C.gather D.together



1. chain

 A.haircut B.repay C.care D.sure


(93)1. He dropped the ______ and broke it.

 A. cup of coffee   B. coffee’s cup 

 C. cup for coffee   D. coffee cup


(93)2. Many people are still in _______ habit of writing silly things in _______ public places.

 A. the; the    B. × ; ×   C. the; ×    D. ×; the

 [解析] in the habit of是习惯用语。public places是复数名词,表示泛指概念,前面不加the。


(95)3. As she _______ the newspaper, Granny ______asleep.

 A. read; was falling   B. was reading; fell

 C. was reading; was falling   D. read; fell

 [解析]瞬间动作fell发生在持续性动作was reading之中。 答案:B

(96)4. -When shall we meet again?

 -Make it ______ day you like; it’s all the same to me.

 A. one    B. any     C. another  D. some   答案:B

(97)5. -Is this rain coat yours?

 -No, mine ______ there behind the door.

 A. is hanging  B. has hung  C. hangs   D. hung

 [解析]该句可理解为No, it isn’t my rain coat. Mine is hanging there behind the door now.


(98)6. -You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?

 - _______. How I wish to go there!

 A. Yes, I have  B. Yes, I haven’t  C. No, I have   D. No, I haven’t

 [解析] 在回答前否后肯的反意疑问句时,同意上面的问话,则用No, 不同意则用Yes。该答案的意思是“是的,我没去过”。答案:D

(99)7. _______ him and then try to copy what he does.

 A. Mind    B. Glance at  C .Stare at   D. Watch

 [解析] 此题四个选项皆与“视觉”有关,而其意义却有差别:mind留心;glance at一瞥;stare at盯、凝视;watch观察、观看(强调动作的过程及目的性)。依文中try to copy what he does这个目的状语,只有watch才符合句意。


(2000 春) 8. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and ______.

 A. the other is white  B. another white

 C. the other white   D. another is white

 [解析]从题干中知道木板有两面,一面是one,另一面就用the other;又把谓语should be painted省略去,而不能只省掉should, painted,故应选C。  答案:C

(2000) 9. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up_____ I could answer  the phone.

 A. as     B. since   C. until    D. before

 [解析]“before”可表示“……之前”,也可引申为“……就……”,如题干可理解为“没能应答就挂断了”。  答案:D

10.(2001 春)-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?             

 -Yes. I gave it to her _______ I saw her.

 A. while     B. the moment    C. suddenly    D. once

    [解析]口语中用the moment 引导时间状语,相当于just as soon as, at exactly the time when. 



 After his meal Lincoln walked over to the War department to see  1  any more news had come from Sherman’s Army. Then it was time to go to the theatre. In the morning it  2  that the president and Mrs Lincoln, together  3  a number of guests, would visit Ford’s Theatre to see the  4  .

 The President went into the theatre, and took his seat at the back of the box. While he  5  the play a young man wanted to  6  him. He was a twenty-year-old John Wilkes Booth, a  7  of a famous family of actors and a lover of the  8  . A few hours  9  the play began he was in the theatre made a small hole  10  the door of the presidential box.

 Now quietly Booth entered the box. In his  11  hand was a small knife, in his right hand was a gun. Aiming the gun at the back of the President’s head he fired.

 Lincoln fell  12   in his seat. Rathbone, one of his guests, threw himself at the  13  . Booth wounded him with the knife, then jumped   14  the box rail to the stage, eleven feet below. He fell, but quickly to his feet, shouting, “Sic semper tyrannis”. (拉丁语: 独裁者的下场总是如此)。

 For a time there was  15  confusion. then a young army doctor climbed into the president box. Mary took hold of his arm. “Oh, doctor! Is he  16  ?” The doctor looked at Lincoln in wound, and his face darkened. The President had badly wounded   17  . There was no hope. The wounded President was carried across the street to the nearest house,  18  he was laid on a bed.

 All through the night Lincoln  19  with death. At 7:22 (April 15, 1865) in the  20  it was all over. The great and good man was at peace with the world.

 1. A. where   B. whether   C. when  D. weather  答案:B

 2. A. had planned  B. has been planned  C. has planned  D. had been planned

  [解析]it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,此处应用被动语态,而且全文使用的是过去时态,所以D才符合。  答案:D

 3 . A. with   B. on  C. in   D. by  答案:A

 4.A. film   B. army  C. Sherman  D. play

 [解析]下文出现了while he watched the play。  答案:D

 5. A. saw   B. watched  C. looked at  D. observed  答案:B

 6. A. wound  B. talk to   C. kill     D. hurt

 [解析]从下文看这个人是想杀死林肯。  答案:C

 7.A. number  B. member  C. one    D. woman

 [解析]a member of a famous family 意为一个望族中的一员。答案:B

 8.A. South   B. North   C. south    D. north



9.A. after    B. as     C. before    D. soon after

 [解析]由逻辑判断,他必定是在戏开始和林肯进入包厢之前采取了行动。  答案:C

10.A. in     B. on    C. by      D. with

 [解析]门上的洞应用介词in。  答案:A

11. A. right   B. upper  C. left     D. other

 [解析]下句说他右手拿着枪,那么刀子一定在左手。  答案:C

12. A. quickly    B. happily   C. heavily   D. fast  答案:C

13. A. murder     B. murdering  C. murderor   D. murderer 


14.A. in    B. over   C. on    D. with

 [解析]over作介词有“翻越”的意思。 答案:D

15. A. but nothing   B. nothing but   C. nothing besides   D. except nothing

 [解析]句意为“一时间全场一片很乱”。  答案:B

16.A. death   B. died   C. dead   D. dies  答案:C

17. A. in the head   B. on the head   C. in the back   D. on the back


18. A. when   B. which  C. where  D. on which  答案:C

19. A. thought  B. brought  C. fight   D. fought  答案:D

20. A. morning B. afternoon C. noon   D. night  答案:A


5. 此题系2001年之(22)题

The film brought the hour back to me ________ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

 A. until   B. that   C. when   D. where

答案 :C  通过率 :60%

测试语言点 : 触景生情,回顾往事的用语 。它并不完全符合单纯的定语从句的语法规则。

要吸取的经验 :此类表达形式 ,要在大量的听读活动中逐渐学会 。试翻译背默此句,并试用未被选中的那三个单词 ,造句若干 ,表达与此句相似或者相关的内容,作为巩固练习 :

如 :The film brought me back to my childhood in that far-away village until my

thought was stopped by a touch on my shoulder .

The film brought back to me something that I can never forget in that far-away

village , where I was taken good care of in my unforgettable childhood .


4. 此题系2001年之(21)题

 -- Good morning , Grand Hotel .

 -- Hello , I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19 th .

 -- _______

 A. What can I do for you ?   B. Just a minute, please.

 C. What' s the matter?     D. At your service.

答案 :B 通过率 :46%

测试语言点 :查找资料时,请人稍侯的用语。

要吸取的经验 :多听 ,多背诵对话 ,才能熟悉日常交际用语。


3. 此题系2000年之(23)题

 --- Why don’t we take a little break ?

 --- Didn’t we just have ______ ?

 A. it   B. that   C. one   D. this

答案 :C  通过率 :26%

试题分析 :

 本题测试的是在特定的上下文中代词的习惯用法 。要完成此题必须具备较丰富的英语使用实践经验,否则,一般“泛泛”的语法规则是无法指导考生顺利完成此题的。

