
 0  252091  252099  252105  252109  252115  252117  252121  252127  252129  252135  252141  252145  252147  252151  252157  252159  252165  252169  252171  252175  252177  252181  252183  252185  252186  252187  252189  252190  252191  252193  252195  252199  252201  252205  252207  252211  252217  252219  252225  252229  252231  252235  252241  252247  252249  252255  252259  252261  252267  252271  252277  252285  447348 

20.(2008山东卷26)Occasions are quite rare    I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

A.who          B.which

C.why          D.when


19.(2008山东卷23)     was most important to her, she told me, was her family.

    A.It            B.This

    C.What         D.As


18.(2009海南卷24)Could I speak to        is in charge of International Sales please?

  A.who      B.what 

C.whoever       D.whatever


17.(2009安徽卷27)A good friend of mine from

     I was born showed up at my home right

before I left for Beijing.

A.how       B.whom

C.when             D.which


16.(2009浙江卷12)-Is there any possibility        you could pick me up at the airport ?

   -No problem.

  A.when        B.that    

C.whether      D.what


15.(2009上海卷37)It is not immediately clear _______ the financial crisis will soon be over.

   A.since         B.what           C.when        D.whether


考点2  名词性从句

14.(2009江苏卷34)Many young people in the West

are expected to leave __   could be life' s most

important decision -- marriage -- almost entirely up

to luck.

A.as        B.that  

C.which       D.what

