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41. I usually watch TV in the evening ____________I have to study for an examination.

A. because     B. unless     C. while       D. the moment


40. We made a decision __________there would be rain, we should stay at home.

A. that      B. if      C. that if      D. whether

31-35 CBBAA   36-40 BBABC


39. Father was ________busy in working __________he often forgot rest or meals.

A. very, that     B. so, that       C. such, as      D. enough, as


38. I will never stop ______________they might like it.

A. no matter how      B. how      C. what      D. though


37. __________often you ring, no one will answer.

A. How      B. However      C. Whom      D. Whenever


36. They waited __________it was dark before leaving, _________they didn’t want anyone to see them leave.

A. since; because      B. until; as     C. unless; for     D. so; because


35. I knew Mr. Green _____________I knew Mrs. Green.

A. long before     B. before long       C. long ago      D. after long


34. ____________, I am sure that the boy is honest.

A. Whatever people say        B. No matter people say

C. What people say          D. It doesn’t matter people say


33. __________the rain has stopped, let’s continue to work.

A. For     B. Now that        C. That      D. Because


32. He always thinks I’m wrong, _____________I may say.

A. no matter whatever      B. whatever      C. what        D. that

