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1.____ matters most in learning English is enough practice.(2007 全国卷II)

A. What    B. Why      C. Where   D. Which

[答案]A 考查主语从句


2(08福建卷)27. _____ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.

  A. It      B. What      C. As         D. Which

[答案]B 考查主语从句的用法。



5. 名词性从句一直是高考的必考点,考生在复习备考中要注意形式主语、主语从句、同位语从句和定义从句的辨析,连接词whether ,if的区分等



3.take的相关短语是历年高考的热点,对它的考查主要集中在take的同根短语的辨析上,如:take in. Take up, take on, take over, take out等,以及take构成的短语与其它动词短语的辨析上  2007年辽宁卷、2006年的山东卷,2009年的安徽卷都曾考查过。2010年考查take短语与其它短语的辨析,可能性非常大

4It is +过去分词+that构成的主语从句一直是高考的热点,对着一句型的考查多是变换句式,”sb. +动词+that从句=Sb +is/was/are/were+过去分词+不定式”;2007年重庆卷曾考查过say的变化形式。这一句型2010年仍可以这样考查


2.occur是英语中很重要的动词,它用法灵活,常作为命题点来考查 经常考查的角度是sth. occurs to sb. 或It occurs to sb. that从句;以及occur与happen, take place等动词或动词短语的词义和用法辨析。2010年可能会考查到这些用法


1.means是新课标的重点词汇 意思“方式,方法、手段”,单复数同形,作主语前有不同词修饰,谓语动词的单复数区别为考查的重点;固定短语和同义词辨析是另一个考查的重点;短语的特殊用法:by no means /not by any means位于句首时,主句用部分倒装;此外mean为动词时,其后接doing, to do的含义不同,2010年将考到同义词辨析,以及倒装句式,这些知识点 


10.As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn,    

A.the more for life are you equipped    B.the more equipped for life you are

C.the more life you are equipped for    D.you are equipped the more for life


9.    news cmme that an unknown disease was spreading in the area.

A.Disturbed       B.Disturbing   C.Encouraged   D.Encouraging


8.Photography is strictly    here.

A.forbidden       B.forbid    C.forbade     D.forbidding


7.The genes of the cloned animal are so arranged that it can't

    such a disease,so it soon died.

A.keep         B.resist    C.exist       D.stop


6.When she reads the book,she stops   to take some notes or to think about a problem.

A.from time to time          B.here and there

C.more or less            D.one by one

