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2.There are _______ flowers shown in the park and ______ people go to have a look.

A. varieties of; many      B. a plenty of; many

C. various; many a       D. quit a few; quite a little


1.In the reading room, we found her_______ at a desk, with her attention _____ on a book.

A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed  C. seating; fixing  D. seated; fixed


2. 重点句型

考点五   It is likely that---------句型



It is likely that----意思是可能的---=sb. be likely to do sth. 某人、物可能干某事

It is likely that she will ring me tonight.=She is likely to ring me tonight.

[点拨]辨析 likely, probable, possible

从可能性来看:probable> likely > possible

从句型看:   probable能用于句型:It is probable that----; It is probable to do sth.;

        possible能用于句型:  It is possible that----; It is possible/for sb. to do sth.;


The book is not popular with the youth, but____ I thought it was very good.

A. personally    B. exactly     C. generally    D. likely

[答案]A 考查副词用法。

[点拨]由but I thought可以看出是个人观点、看法,可知答案

考点六   It is believed that-------句型


  It is believed that-clause 人们相信/据信------

It is believed that there is plenty of oil off our coast.


It be said/known/agreed/thought/supposed/reported +that +clause----

=Sb./sth. be said/known/agreed/thought/supposed/reported to do-----

=People say/know/agree/think/suppose/report that clause----

He is said to earn $10 million a rear.

=It is said that he earn $10 million a year.

=People say that he earns $10 million a year.


He is supposed to ____to the meeting, but he didn’t.

A. come     B. have come     C. be coming   D. coming




考点一   means


[点拨]辨析:in this way, by this means 与in this manner

in this way…….            强调的用简便的方法,有时可省略

by this means……           有条理的办事方法。

in this manner…….          强调做事、行为的方式、方法。

by means of             用……..办法,借助

by all means             一定,务必   

by no means             决不

by some means or other        想尽办法,无论如何总得

by way of              取道,经由     

by the way             顺便说


---May I have a look at your book?


A. By this means     B. By all means    C. By this way  D. By any means

[答案]B 考查means的相关短语。

[点拨]by all means的意思是:一定,务必;当然可以符合句意



I loved duck cooked in Chinese manner.我爱吃中国烧法的鸭子

We solved the problem with this method.我们用这种办法解了这道难题

[点拨]means作主语且有every, each等词修饰时,谓语动词用单数;有some, several, many, few等词修饰时,谓语动词用复数


Every means ____been tried and all ____well now

A. have; go     B. has; go       C. has; goes     D. have; goes

[答案]B 考查means作主语时谓语动词形式。means表示“方式,方法”,单复数形式相同,被every修饰时谓语动词用复数形式;被all修饰时谓语动词用复数形式

[拓展延伸]mean vt., meant meant

1)   意思是,意味着,mean doing sth.

2)   企图,打算    mean to do sth.

I mean to stay here for a long time.      我打算在这里呆很久


I mean no harm to you.         我对你并无恶意

(不用: I meant not to harm you.)

考点二   majority


the majority 作“多数”“大半”解,单独作主语时谓语动词多用单数,在强调“多数中的各个成员时”谓语动词也可用复数

the majority of  后可用单数名词,也可用复数名词。位于动词的数与of后面的名词相一致。



The majority was /were for the budget.


The majority of people prefer peace to war.


The majority of the damage is easy to repair.


Who says the majority is always able to impose its will on the minority ? 

[拓展延伸]in the majority     占大多数      enter the majority  加入多数派

from a majority     形成多数      get the majority  获得多数票

have a majority     拥有多数      a great majority  大多数


Don’t worry about the present situation in the world; _____of people prefer peace to war..

A. the less      B. the great part     C. the majority   D. the number

[答案]C 考查majority的用法


考点三    occur

[基础过关]vi . 发生、存在

occur to                (主意或想法突然)浮现于脑中,被想起,被想到

it occurs to sb to do sth          使人想到干某事

it occurs to sb that            想到…….

Just then an idea occurred to me.       就在那时我想起了一个主意

[点拨]辨析happen,occur,take place

都表示某事发生,happen是一般用语,尤其指偶然发生“碰巧、恰好“的意思;occur 文言意味较浓,常指某特定事物的发生, 也可以表示某种想法出现在人的头脑中

take place 指事先计划或预料到的“发生“,此外还有”举行“的意思

New things are happening all around us.          新事物在我们周围不断发生。

It suddenly occurred to me that I and left my umbrella upstairs. 我突然想到我把伞忘在了楼上


It suddenly ____to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.

A. happened     B. occurred    C. thought     D. took place

[答案]B 考查词义辨析


考点四   take in


This kind of cloth takes in water easily.     这种布料吸水很好。

[拓展延伸]Phrases: take away      拿走,消除(疾病等)

           take down      拆掉,记下来

           take for       (错) 当作,(误) 认为

           take off       起飞,匆匆离去

           take on        呈现,雇用

           take over       接受,接管;取代

           take to        喜欢;养成---习惯

           take up        占据,开始;从事

Why does she take me for a fool?       她为什么把我当成傻子看?


Some false advertisements are taking the countryside women as their targets, because they are easy to_____.

A. take in     B. take on     C. take over     D. take for

[答案]A 考查动词短语辨析

[点拨]false advertisements“虚假广告“暗示,后面的欺骗;take in有此意。



1)It is likely that------句型

2) It is believed that-------




Module8 unit1 第一课时



(1)at least         至少

(2)by means of       用-办法,借助

(3)in addition        另外,除此之外

(4)make a life        习惯于新的生活方式、工作;谋生

(5)keep up         保持,维持

(6)occur to        (使人)想到

(7)team up with       与-合作或一起工作

(8) mark out         画线标出---的界线

(9) take in          包括,吸收



(1)means       n.  手段,方法

(2)nationality     n.  国籍,民族

(3)occur        v.  发生,出现

(4)swap      vi.&vt.  交换

(5)apparent      adj.  显然的,表面上的

(6)react        vi.  回应,做出反应

(7)majority       n.  大多数,大半;major adj.

(8)racial       adj.  人种的,种族的;n. 种族

(9)applicant      n.   申请人;apply v.申请;application n. 申请

(10)socialist      n.  社会主义者;社会党人;adj. 社会主义者的;social adj.社会的;society n. 社会


5.(08江西卷)25. I _____ it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products.

 A. make               B. look

C. take                D. think

[答案]C 考查动词词义辨析。


6(09安徽)10. We tried to find a table for seven,hut they were all     .

A. given away             B. kept away

C. taken up               D. used up

[答案]C 考查动词短语辨析

[点拨]按照句意:----他们都被占了可知答案。take up 占用(时间、空间等)

7(08浙江卷)15. Dogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.

A. sense          B. view    C. means        D. idea

[答案]A 考查名词辨析





4.(09江西)3. The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.

A. what      B. which      C. that    D. though


[点拨]间隔式同位语从句的用法。即先行词是the fact 和that引导的同位语从句中间隔了谓语部分


3.(08上海卷)36.  It has been proved ___ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.

 A. if          B. because        C. when               D. that

[答案]D 考查主要从句


