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5. The reason why Richard didn’t take the TV set is that ____ .

  A. it is too big to carry   B. it is too heavy to carry

B.  it is worth nothing

C.  D. it is difficult for him to carry such a thing without being noticed


4. How long did Richard stay in the house?

  A. Five minutes.  B. One hour.  C. Nearly five minutes.  D. Fifteen minutes.


3. No one saw Richard get into the house because ____ .

  A. it was night time  B. he ran very fast

  C. he stood behind a tree   D. he was very clever


2. Richard ____ , after the man left his house.

  A. stood behind a tree           B. entered the house

  C. walked around the block again       D. opened the window with a screwdriver


1. Why did Richard wear a business suit?

A.  Because he is a professional. 

B. Because he didn’t want to draw others’ attention to him.

  C. Because he works hard.    D. Because he is a thief.



   Richard Williams works hard. He’s clever, careful, and fast .His work is dangerous. Richard thinks of himself as a professional-a professional thief.

   Yesterday was a typical day. Richard dressed in a business suit, took his briefcase (手提箱), and drove to a town about ten miles from his home. He parked his car in a busy area, then began to walk along the street. No one looked at him. He was another businessman walking to work.

   At 8:05, Richard saw what he wanted. A man was leaving his house. Richard walked around the block again. At 8:10 , he watched a woman leave the same house. After she left, Richard worked quickly. He walked to the side of the house and stood behind a tree. He took a screwdriver (螺丝刀) out of his briefcase and quickly opened the window and climbed in. First, he looked through the desk in the living room. He found $200 in cash (现金). In the dining room, he put the silverware (银器) into his briefcase. The next stop was the bedroom. Richard stole a diamond ring and an emerald (祖母绿宝石) necklace. Richard passed a color TV, a stereo (音响), and a camera, but he didn’t touch them. Everything had to fit into his briefcase. In less than five minutes, Richand climbed back out the window. He looked around carefully, then began his walk down the street again. No one looked at him. He was just another businessman, walking to work.


5. Which of the following best explain why Blackburn works hard at his company?

  A. He wants to do more business practice before he leaves college.

  B. He wants to make more money before he leaves college.

  C. He wants to get a good job like most students after he leaves the college.

  D. he depends on the company for his living in the future.


4. In spite of a college student, Blackburn ____ .

  A. spends more time on his business than on his studies course

  B. keep in touch with his business office by movable phone

  C. seldom goes out with his friends

  D. often spends whole holiday preparing business plan


3. The underlined expression in the fourth paragraph “have a go,” here means ____ .

  A. give up this job and have a new one      B. leave the company

  C. have a try                D. develop my business quickly


2. When he was quite young, Blackburn ____ .

  A. already made a lot of money          B. already had a business brain

  C. was already managing director of a company    D. already set up his own business

