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4. Tarawa was important during World War II because of its ______.

  A. size.     B. population.     C. position.     D. history.


3. Tarawa lies nearer to ______.

  A. Japan than to the U.S.     B. the U.S. than to Japan.

  C. Britain than to the U.S.    D. Britain than to Japan.


2. Tarawa belongs to ______.

  A. Japan.     B. the U.S.     C. Britain.     D. Kiribati.


1. Which of the following diagrams (图解) gives the correct relationship (关系) between Kiribati, Tarawa and Gilbert Islands?

   (K--Kiribati; T--Tarawa; G--the Gibert Islands)



   Tarawa is one of the two largest of the Gilbert Islands in the western Pacific Ocean, but it is a very tiny island, with an area of about eight square miles, and a population of about 17,000. Small as it is, three nations fought to control and use it as an air base during World War II. The Japanese took it from the British in 1941, only to lose it to the Americans tow years later after one of the bloodiest (血腥的) battles of the war. Today, the Gilbert Islands having become part of the Kiribati Pepublic, Tarawa is now its capital and major seaport (海港).


5. At the time he wrote, the writer ____ .

  A. had to learn to read, write and add

  B. found it necessary to receive advanced education

  C. was probably fairly well-educated

  D. was dissatisfied with his level of education


4. How did the writer look at his early education?

  A. He believed he met the school requirements.

  B. He thought he was well-educated.

  C. He thought it was not satisfactory.

  D. He believed he was poorly educated.


3. The schools in the area ____ .

  A. were of poor quality (质量)     B. offered all kinds of subjects

  C. respected those who knew Latin   D. had teachers good at reading, writing, and adding


2. When the writer was seven, his family moved to an area where ____ .

  A. educated people were greatly respected

  B. only a few had a knowledge of Latin

  C. people were often killed by wild animals

  D. the land had yet to be farmed


1. When the writer was a child ____ .

  A. his grandfather died in the state of Kentucky

  B. his family settled down in the countryside of Indiana

  C. Kentucky joined the Union as a member state

  D. his family had to move from place to place

