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23、The engineers made two big plans for the dam, ____ was never put in force.

A、one of them  B、which   C、one of which D、every one of which


22、--What do you think of the concert?

   --I really enjoy it. I didn’t expect it was ____ wonderful.

A、as  B、more C、most D、very


21、--Tom, you are caught late again.

   --Oh, ____.

A、not at all  B、just my luck C、never mind  D、that’s all right


20、____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.

A、To consider  B、Considered  C、Considering  D、To be considered


19、--We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.


A、With pleasure   B、It doesn’t matter  C、It was no trouble at all D、By all means


18、--Do you mind if I smoke?


A、Why not? B、Yes, help yourself  C、Go ahead D、Yes, but you’d better not


17、--So you missed the meeting.

   --____. I got there five minutes before it finished.

A、Not at all  B、Not exactly  C、Not especially  D、Not really


16、____ from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunwise.

A、Freed   B、Freeing  C、To free  D、having freed


15、Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.

A、the; the B、a; 不填  C、不填;不填  D、不填;the


14、--When did it begin to snow?

   --It started ____ the night.

A、during  B、by  C、from D、at

