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4. Actresses look young_______their ages, for they pay much attention to their looks.

A. at            B. of          C. for        D. to


3. You’d better not call me up between 7 and 8 this evening, for I ____ an important meeting then.

A. will have      B. am having      C. will be having     D. will have had


2. We must realize the fact that things don’t always_______the way we want them to.

A. find out                B. give out          C. hand out          D. work out


1. --- Which of those mp4 do you like most?

--- ________. They are both expensive and of poor quality.

A. None          B. Both         C. Neither         D. All


2. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _______ for the day. (2007重庆卷)

A. finishing             B. finished           C. had finished       D. were finished

  解析:首先判断这句话不是并列句,因为无连词,所以只能是分词做状语。一天的功课当然是被做完,这样their lessons finished就构成了独立主格结构做状语。


1. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ________, he gladly accepted it. (2007安徽卷)

 A. finished         B. finishing           C. having finished      D. was finished

  解析:with+n+分词的复合结构。工作当然是被完成,所以说with his work finished.


7. The Town Hall ______ in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time. (2007上海卷)

  A. to be completed     B. having been completed  C. completed        D. being completed

  解析:由句子中的过去时间状语in the 1800’s可知,空格内应填过去分词completed作定语表已完成的被动动作。句意:“19世纪建成的城市大厦是当时最著名的建筑”。



7.Five people won the “China’s Green Figure”award, a title ____ to ordinary people their contributions to environmental protection.  (2006山东卷)

A.being given    B. is given      C. given       D. was given       

解析:give与其所修饰的a title 存在着被动关系,故要用过去分词作定语。


6.No matter how frequently    , the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. (2006广东卷)

A. performed      B. performing     C. to be performed    D. being performed   

  解析:perform与其逻辑主语the works of Beethoven存在着被动关系,故要用过去分词作状语。


5.______ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.  (2006全国I卷)

A. Surprising     B. Surprised     C. Being surprised    D. To be surprising   


