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Unit 3 一 第一组:1 cycle  2 insisted  3 stubborn  4 fare  5 Camp  6 familiar  7 brave  8 record  9 transport  10 properly  第二组:11 topic  12 persuade  13 journal  14 altitude 15 shorts  16 attitude  17 Plain  18 determining 二 1 have dreamed about  2 For one thing; for another  3 am determined to 4 give in  5 is familiar to  6 changed her mind/gave up

Unit 4 一 第一组:1 fresh  2 electricity  3 injured  4 shaking  5 speech  6 disaster  7 were destroyed  8 rise  9 judge  10 organized  11 bricks  12 pond  第二组: 13 smelly  14 honoured  15 was buried  16 Dam  17 burst  18 preparing  19 mine  20 shocked  21 Canal  22 shelter  23 rescue  24 Steam  25 ruined 二 1 gave out  2 A number of/ Thousands of  3 right away  4 were dug out 5 at an end  6 A number of/ Thousands of

Unit 5 一 第一组:1 Cruelty  2 blanket  3 stage  4 fighting  5 hero  6 reward  7 degree  8 vote  9 prison  10 quality  第二组:11 criminal  12 guard  13 position  14 period  15 willing  16 president  17 educated  18 accept  19 advises  20 active  第三组:21 sincerely  22 terror  23 violence  24 continued  25 Republic  26 fear  27 peaceful  28 youth  29 league  30 principles  二 1 was blown up  2 lose heart  3 out of work  4 in trouble  5 as a matter of fact  6 put in prison  7 worying about  8 was set up  9 was sentenced to 10 came to power

高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修2 Unit 1-2

Unit 1  Cultural relics


第二组:active, criminal, advise, guard, accept, position, educated, period, president, willing 11 The _________ was charged with robbing a bank and sentenced to death. 12 Two soldiers _________ the government office building all the time. 13 My father was promoted to a higher _________ for his achievements. 14 I stayed in Japan for only a short _________ of time. 15 Those boys are so helpful that they are always ________ to help others. 16 George Bush was elected _________ of the USA a second time in 2004. 17 All my family are well _________, of whom my brother studied in Harvard University. 18 I am a Party member and never ________any bribe(贿赂) from others. 19 The doctor _________ me to take more exercise so that I can keep fit. 20 Some students are very ________ in answering teachers’ questions while others just keep silent when asked any question.

第三组:principle, sincerely, league, terror, youth, violence, peaceful, continue, fear, republic 21 I _________ hope that you won’t let me down. 22 To his ________, he found a figure coming towards him in the darkness. 23 What really worries those parents is that there is too much sex and _______ on TV. 24 The rain ________ falling all afternoon. But it came to a stop by dark. 25 PRC is short for the People’s _________ of China. 26 His son has been missing for five days and now police are beginning to _______ the worst. 27 After retirement she moved to the country and lived a ________ life. 28 The _________ play an important role in building our country. 29 I have been a ________ member for 3 years. 30 Stick to your ________ and tell him that you won’t do it.


Unit 5  Nelson Mandela- a modern hero


第二组:ruin, smelly, steam, honour, rescue, bury, shelter, dam, canal, burst, shock, prepare, mine 13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________. 14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China. 15 After getting hanged Saddam Hussin _________ in his home town. 16 Three Gorges (峡)_______on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world. 17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying. 18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening. 19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year. 20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death. 21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝). 22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain. 23 Five soldiers were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow. 24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶). 25 The bad weather _________ our trip.


Unit 4  Earthquakes


第二组:determine, topic, plain, persuade, attitude, journal, shorts, altitude 11 Fighting against terrorism(恐怖主义) has become an important ______ throughout the world these years. 12 Can you think of ways to _________ him to give up the plan? 13 When people are travelling they often write about their travels, which is called travel _______. 14 The Everest has an ________ of 8844.34 meters, according to the latest survey. 15 After putting on a T-shirt and ________, he went out to play tennis. 16 If you want to pass the exams, you’d better change your ________ towards them. 17 The soil of the Northeast _______ is fertile(肥沃的) and fine corn, sorghum, and rice grow there. 18 Upbringing(培养) plays an important part in _________ a person’s character.


play a …role (in)  because of  come up  such as  even if  play a …part (in)

1 Dujiangyan(都江堰) is still ___________in irrigation(灌溉) today. 2 That question ___________ at yesterday’s meeting. 3 Karl Marx could speak a few foreign languages, _________Russian and English. 4 You must ask for leave first __________ you have something very important. 5 The media _________ major ________ in influencing people’s opinions. 6 _________ years of hard work she looked like a woman in her fifties.

必修一 Unit 1 一 第一组: 1 Germans  2 share  3 loose  4 outdoors  5 entirely  6 teenager  7 Thunder 8 habit  9 situation  10 advice  11 upsets  12 To communicate  13 calm  14 reason  15 crazy  第二组:16 power  17 suffered  18 editor  19 questionnaire 20 dare  21 trust  22 cheating  23 ignored  24 points  25 list 二 1 face to face  2 is concerned about  3 went through  4 In order to  5 on purpose  6 set down  7 fell in love  8 a series of  9 am getting along with  10 hid away  11 according to  12 have got to  13 joined in  14 adds up to

Unit 2 一 第一组:1 Lightning  2 directions  3 blocks  4 accent  5 recognize  6 northwestern  7 standard  8 retell  9 requested  10 command  第二组:11 rapidly  12 government  13 identity  14 vocabulary  15 present  16 Actually  17 Native  18 including 19 international  20 subway  21 apartment  22 ruled 二 1 playing a part  2 came up  3 such as  4 even if  5 play a…role 6 Because of

高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修1 Unit 3-5

Unit 3  Travel journal


add up (to)   be concerned about    go through   set down   a series of  on purpose   in order to  according to   get along with  fall in love (with)  join in   have got to  hide away   face to face

1 We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ___________. 2 It is nearly 11 o’clock yet he is not back. His mother ____________ him. 3 The Lius ___________ hard times before liberation. 4 ____________ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam. 5 I think the window was broken ___________ by someone. 6 You should ___________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful. 7 They met at Tom’s party and later on ____________ with each other. 8 You can find ____________ English reading materials in the school library. 9 I am easy to be with and _____________my classmates pretty well. 10 They __________ in a small village so that they might not be found. 11 Which of the following statements is not right ____________ the above passage? 12 It’s getting dark. I ___________ be off now. 13 More than 1,000 workers ___________ the general strike last week. 14 All her earnings _____________ about 3,000 yuan per month.

Unit 2  English around the world 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:direction, command, lightning, block, request, accent, retell, recognize, standard, northwestern 1 ___________ is a kind of natural phenomenon. 2 Please read the __________ on the bottle before taking the medicine. 3 May and I are classmates, but we live in different _________. 4 Mao Zedong spoke with a strong Hunan __________. 5 When we met many years later I could hardly __________ Lily at the airport. 6 Gansu is a __________ province of China. 7 If you want to learn Chinese, you may learn from her. She speaks very ________ Chinese. 8 Will you please __________ the story to the whole class? 9 Visitors are ___________ not to touch the exhibits. 10 He lived in America for five years and has a good __________ of English.

第二组:rule, rapidly, apartment, government, subway, identity, international, vocabulary, include, present, native, actually 11 The population of that country is increasing ___________. 12 Our __________ must do something to stop the rising house prices. 13 The police are trying to discover the __________ of the killer. 14 Usually you will read faster if you have a bigger English _________. 15 All those _________ at the meeting are high officials. 16 _________, English is not so hard to learn if you put your heart into it. 17 _________ speakers of English are in good demand in our school. 18 Only ten boys passed the exam, _________ Peter and you. 19 My father likes me to major in __________ trade when I go to university. 20 Underground and _________ mean the same in English. 21 Englishmen say flat, while Americans say ____________. 22 India was once __________by Britain and won its independence in 1947.


第一组:crazy, loose, calm, entirely, reason, thunder, share, German, habit, teenager, upset, communicate, outdoors, situation, advice

1 A group of Frenchmen and _________ are visiting Window to the World. 2 Please wait in line. Everyone will get his ________. 3 The doorknob (门把手) has come _________. Who will fix it? 4 Don’t always stay indoors. You’d better go __________ for fun time. 5 I once studied some Japanese at college, but I’m afraid that I’ve __________ forgotten it now. 6 Don’t scold him. After all, he is only a __________. 7 __________ often follows lightning. 8 People say that __________ is second nature. 9 China is going through good economic __________ these years. 10 Since you have question, why not turn to him for some __________? 11 My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really _________ me. 12 ___________ well with others is considered a kind of ability. 13 Seeing mother smiling at me among the audience, I felt _________ on the stage. 14 No one knew the __________ why he was absent from class a second time. 15 Seeing the famous film star appearing, all the fans became _________.

第二组:list, power, point, suffer, ignore, edotor, cheat, questionnaire, trust, dare

16 Do you know when President George Bush came into _________ ? 17 I __________ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days to get rid of it. 18 Only a few years after graduation my sister became the chief _________ with China Daily. 19 Can you design a ____________ to find out what kinds of friends your classmates like to make? 20 He is your father. How __________ you say to him like that? 21 Little Peter always lies to others. His classmates won’t _________ him anymore. 22 Mrs Wang wrote on the blackboard: No _________ in exams! 23 Mary got very unhappy, for other friends __________ her at the party. 24 I got 90 __________ in the final English exam. 25 Before going shopping you’d better make a _______of what you are going to buy.


15. Your ability has never been in doubt-- the question is ____ you are prepared to work hard.

A. that              B. whether          C. if              D. how

