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2. A. last look    B. long walk    C. short breath      D. deep breath


1. A. doors      B. windows     C. roofs         D. walls


35. _______ well prepared a gymnast is, he still needs a lot of luck in performing.

A. Whatever           B. Although          C. No matter      D. However



34. _______ Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan led to water and electricity shortage on the island.

 A. Which              B. That             C. What         D. As


33. Newly-developed materials for spaceships can _______ extreme weather conditions. K+s-5*u

A. hold               B. support           C. stand         D. compete


32. Unemployment in USA is likely to remain high in 2010, and _______ for the next few years.

A. possibly             B. necessarily         C. gradually      D. normally


31. -Tom, you get dead drunk again!

  -_______? It’s none of your business.

A. So what             B. How come        C. Why not       D. What for


30. It can’t be a(n) _______ that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.

A. accident            B. incident           C. chance        D. coincidence


29. -Ready to give up guessing, Sandy?

  -No, no. Hold on! I think I _______ at the answer now.

  A. arrive             B. have arrived       C. arrived           D. am arriving


28. Everyone in the village hoped that he would _______ after a few days’ treatment.

A. pick up             B. come up          C. keep up       D. make up

