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30. The police ______ for the lost child everywhere.

A. is looking           B. has looked         C. are looking        D. are looked


29. All but one ______ here just now.

A. is                 B. was              C. have been         D. were


28. A group of children ______ hide and seek in the garden.

A. is playing          B. are playing        C. has been playing     D. was playing


27. Two kilograms ______ too heavy for a sick man.

A. is                 B. are              C. was              D. were


26. Many a school and many a hospital ______ since 1949.

A. have set up        B. has set up         C. have been set up    D. has been set up


25. All that can be said ______.

A. has been said        B. have been said      C. is said         D. are to be said


24. Tom with his friends ______ volleyball since three o'clock.

A. has been playing      B. is playing         C. have been playing    D. have played


23. Peter was ______ to come to school this morning.

A. a second           B. the second         C. a No. two         D. the two


22. Every means ______ tried, yet no result ______encouraging up to now.

A. have been ...is        B. has been...has been   C. have ...has been     D. has...is


21. Fifty-six ______ twenty-seven makes eighty-three.

A. plus              B. minus           C. times            D. divided by

