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80. Japan is an ______ industrial country.

A. advancing          B. advanced          C. to advance        D. to be advanced


79. ---Who were those people with the banner?

---A group ______ itself the League for Peace.

A. calling            B. calls            C. called           D. is called


78. ---What's made Ruth so upset?

--- ______ three tickets to the folk music concert.

A. Lost          B. Losing           C. Because of losing  D. Since she lost


77. There isn't such a word ______ I know.

A. as soon as          B. as long as         C. so long as         D. so far as


76. ______ she said this, she regretted it.

A. The time           B. The moment       C. The hour         D. The day


75. Another driver had just driven into the back of Jack's car ______ he was waiting at some traffic lights.

A. since              B. once             C. while            D. during 


74. She looks pretty ______ she wears.

A. in                B. whatever         C. what            D. which


73. It's ______ he helped you that I'm ready to help him.

A. the reason          B. for             C. because          D. since


72. ______ you ever have any trouble, let me know.

A. If                B. Whenever        C. While           D. X


71. ______, the library was closed.

A. Sunday          B. Being Sunday      C. It to be Sunday     D. As it was Sunday

