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35.- Why not join us in the game?- ________. A. Sure, please do    B. No, you do the same  C. Oh, that's all right  D. Ok, coming



21.They have their reason for keeping their marriage ________ secret for ________ moment. A. the; a       B. the; the       C. a; the     D. a; a 22.She is always ready to help people in trouble because she thinks it a________. A. decision      B. chance       C. pride     D. pleasure 23.- When shall we meet, at 6︰00 or at 6︰30?   - ________. A. At any time.    B. You make the time  C. well, either time will do  D. Any time is OK. 24.- Are all the titles of the articles ________in the contents?  - Yes, all________. A. listed; included   B. listing; includes    C. listed; including    D. being listed; being included 25.- Why hasn't Jane arrived yet?  - She________ again in the morning. A. shouldn't have overslept     B. may have turned off the alarm clock C. must have no one to call her    D. should have someone to wake her up 26.He ________ give up the dictionary than a child would give up a new toy. A. will no longer     B. would rather     C. had better    D. would no more 27.Every possible ________ advanced technology. A. should be made of   B. should be made use   C. use should be made of  D. should make use of 28.Not that I'm unwilling to go with you, ________I'm busy now. A. because       B. but        C. but that    D. however 29.- Has the football match just started? - Just started? It must be clear who ________ by now. A. is winning      B. wins     C. has won     D. would win 30.- Have you told Joan the news?  - Yes. I told her ________I saw her this morning. A. while        B. the moment   C. until      D. suddenly 31.You will see this product________ wherever you go. A. to be advertised    B. advertised   C. advertise     D. advertising 32.- Did you go to the party last night?  - Yes. and I'd rather ________. It was so________. A. not go; tiresome        B. not have gone; exciting  C. not have gone; tiring    D. go; interesting 33.- Will you go home tomorrow morning?  - No, I'm planning________. A. on        B. to        C. so         D. it 34.- Have you any money on you? I need some badly.  - Sorry, but ________ at all. A. not        B. nothing      C. none        D. quite a little


21.It is ________ball -point pen invented by ________ Hungarian refugee named Lazio Biro. A. a; the     B. the; a      C. a; a     D. the; the 22.- How do you usually go to work? - If it is fine, I ________on foot. A. will go     B. go      C. have gone   D. won't go 23._____ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $ 21, 000. A. To be judged the best    B. Judged the best  C. Having judged the best  D. Judging the best 24.On New Year's Eve New York City holds an outdoor________ which attracts a crowd of a million of more people. A. incident       B. event       C. ease     D. affair 25.Americans eat ________as they actually need every day. A. twice as much protein  B. twice protein as much twice  C. twice protein as   D. protein as twice much 26.________, he does get annoyed with her sometimes. A. Although much he like her       B. Much although he likes her 

C. As he likes her much         D. Much as he likes her 27.- Why didn't you tell Ann the truth?   - ________. A. Yes, I was afraid to be scolded by her        B. No, but I wanted to C. But I did                          D. I always hate telling lies 28.If the building project ________ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined. A. being completed      B. is completed      C. to be completed    D. completed 29.Will you see to________ that the luggage is brought back? A. me           B. yourself       C. it          D. them 30.- “Mary I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o'clock tonight?” - “I'm sorry. Mr Williams ________ to a conference long before then.” A. will have gone       B. had gone      C. would have gone    D. has gone 31.That's the best way we should think of ________the dying soldier. A. helping         B. saving        C. operating       D. to save 32.________ the earth to be fiat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth. A. Having believed      B. Believing      C. Believed       D. Being believed 33.________difficulties we may come across, we'll help one another to overcome them. A. Wherever        B. Whatever      C. However       D. Whenever 34.Glad to see you back. How long ________ in Russia? A. did you stay       B. have you stayed    C. were you staying    D. have you been staying 35.- Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the airport?   - ________. A. Certainly, you can take a No.3        B. No I don't know how C. Yes, you could go by bus            D. Along this road



21.- Don't put the waste on the ground, young man. - Oh, I'm sorry. I ________the dustbin there. A. hadn't seen   B. didn't see  C. can't see   D. wasn't seeing 22.- Why are you late again, Vera?  - The bus took me a(n)________half hour to get to the hotel because of the traffic jam. A. extra     B. spare     C. more than   D. other 23.- I wonder if you have a single room for tonight. - ________. - Thank you anyway. A. One monent, please. I'll check it out for you.   B. Sure, please fill out this form. C. Sorry, I'm afraid we have none at the moment  D.How long are you planning to stay here, sir? 24.- Thank you, Joan, for the lovely party and the delicious food.  - ________. A. No thanks   B. Never mind     C. All right    D. My pleasure 25.- Where is my blue jeans?  - It's in the washing - machine. You'll have to wear ________different one. A. any    B. the      C. a      D. other 26.- He ________ to Beijing ten times in 1999.  - So he must have covered ________ of it. A. went; much  B. had; a lot   C. was going; some  D. had gone; many 27.- Do you have my passport, Janet?  - Yes, I have ________right here, in the locker. A. one      B. it      C. a very one   D. this 28.The picture was put in the corner of the room, nobody ________in it. A. had any interest  B. being interested  C. was interested D. to have an interest 29.I would appreciate it ________you help me with my English. A. that       B. if       C. where     D. in case 30.- Where did the accident happen? - It was at the post office near the hotel ________ the peace talk would be held. A. that        B. which      C. where     D. when 31.- How did you play in the match? - Well, our team was ahead by 2 to zero during the first half, but we ________ in the last ten minutes. A. had lost      B. have lost      C. were losing    D. lost 32.A student of English________ limited exercise finds it hard to get good mark in an English exam. A. is used to deal with   B. used to deal with  C. is used to dealing with   D. used to dealing with 33.My new issue of Twenty - first Century. School Edition has disappeared.  Who ________ have taken it? A. should      B. must   C. could  D. would 34.- Mr Smith, I wonder if you are free this afternoon. We'd like you to come to our party.  - ________. A. I'd like to   B. I'd love you, too   C. I will come  D. I like it 35.After the storm nothing________ of the house, It really ________ us much to think about. A. stayed; keeps B. kept; makes    C. remained ; leaves  D. left; gives






that our school can hold a sports meeting every term.



and have more time take part in sports. We also hope



every day. We hope that we’ll be giving less homework



However, now we have too much homework to do in



such as playing ball games, running, walking and swim.

