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48. Jane is one of the best students in her class who _____by their teacher.

   A.   are praised   B. is praised   C. praised   D. praising


47. Those who ____ in ____compositions, please hand them in this afternoon.

   A.   hasn‘t handed; his   B. haven’t handed; their

   C.has handed; their    D. have handed; his


46. Three-fourths of the homework _____today.

   A.   has finished     B. has been finished

   C. have finished         D. have been finished


45. He is the only one of the students who _____elected.

   A. are   B. have    C. has   D. is


44. Many a man _____ come to help us.

   A. have   B. has   C. is   D. are


43. The Olympic Games ____held every ____years.

   A.   is; four   B. are; four   C. is; five   D. are; five


42. Where ____rubbish, there are flies.

A.   there are   B. there is    C. is     D. there has


41. Your trousers ____dirty, you must have _____washed.

   A.   is; it    B. are; it    C. are; them   D. is; them


40. Apples of this kind ____.

   A.   tastes good  B. tastes well 

   C. taste good   D. taste well


39. The police ____the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.

   A.   is searching for    B. were searching for

   C. are searching for   D. were searching

