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13. come across

  (1) come across作“碰到”,“(偶然)发现或遇见”解。

  In the course of the experiment, they canle across some

  new problems.


  (2) come across 有时可作“穿过”、“越过……而来”解


  The Eighth Route Army easily came across the enemy




  run across  meet with   happen to meet

  run into   meet…by   chance to meet


9. We waited for a long time and then were ____

  some coffee.



① come up with 找到,提出(答案、解决办法)

② come across 碰上,偶然碰上,被理解,发现

③ come along 进展,进步,一道来

④ come down 下来,降低,下降,着陆

⑤ come true 实现

⑥ come over 过来,顺便来访

⑦ come in 进来

⑧ come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉

⑨ come on 来吧,跟着来,赶快

⑩ come out 出来,出版,发(芽),开花

⑩ come about 发生

⑧ come back 回来.流行

⑩ come to 共计,达到,达成,恢复知觉,苏醒

⑩ come round 来,过访

⑩ come through 经历 (困难等)

[例句] She came up with a new idea for increasing

sales. 她想出了增加销售量的新主意。

It came out that he'd been telling a pack of lies. 后来才


Why don't come over t0 Beidaihe for a holiday in sum-

mer? 你怎么不在夏天到北戴河来度假呢?

The price of petrol is coming down thanks to the in-

crease of production. 由于产量的增加,石油的价格在下


He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't come

across. 他讲了很长时间,但他的意思没有人真正理解。

The crocuses came out late this year because of the cold

weather. 因为天气寒冷,今年藏红花开得晚。

It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all

along. 她突然想到她一开始就错了。

[考例l](1996上海) We are all going to the games.

Why don't you come ____?

   A. up   B. across

   C. along   D. to

[考查目标] 此题主要考查come构成的短语的用法。

[答案与解析] C  come up 升起,被讨论,出现;come

across 被理解,被传达,碰见,偶然遇到;come along 进

展,进步,一道来;come to 共计,达到,达成。本句话意



8. They were too tired, so they waited on the side of the

  road, waiting for someone to ____ them up.


7. What the professor said ____ reasonable.


6. The young man was fired because everything he did

  in the company couldn't ____ his boss.


5. With the news ____, all the peasants left their

  hometown for the beach.


4. We realized that all of the sheep were lost in the for-

  est, according to our ____ knowledge.


3. We should ask the children to eat more vegetables

  which ____ a lot of vitamins


2. Our chemistry teacher ____ the experiment

  while we sat in front of her.


1. His face ____ he was badly ill, but his uncle

  suggested we not send him to the hospital.

