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46. It doesn't ____  if I miss my train, because there's another ____ .

  A. important; lately  B. mind; later  C. matter ; lately  D. matter ; later


45. Make ____ that he is at home before you call on him.

  A. sure      B. safe      C. certainly     D. out


44. Have you made up your____  to give it up?

  A. thought     B. opinion     C. idea      D. mind


43. How long  ____  she ____  Robert?

  A. has; married               B. has; married with

  C. has; been married to         D. has; been married with


42. I'm determined to  ____  the lost time.

  A. make up   B. make up of   C. make of    D. make up for


41. Wood can be made ____  paper.

  A. into      B. of      C. from     D. out of


40. The First World is  ____  two superpowers, the U. S. S. R and the U. S. A.

  A. made of   B. made from   C. made up of   D. made up from


39. The doctor said that she had to ____  liquid food for some time.

  A. live on      B. live with      C. live in      D. live by


38. Jim was too tired to work. He ____ down and soon fell ____

  A. lie; sleep    B. lay; asleep   C. laid; asleep   D. lain; sleep


37. The trouble lies ____  the engine.

  A. on       B. upon      C. in        D. to

