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126. Time and tide waits ____ no man.

  A. /      B. for     C. on     D. about


125. Tom and Bob passed  ____  without noticing me.

  A. away     B. by      C. off     D. on


124. I'm not good ____ remembering names.

  A. in      B. on     C. at    D. with


123. Her opinion is the same ____ .

  A. like her mother B. like her mother's C. as her mother D. as her mother's


122. They treated him ____ when he won all that money.

  A. as a king   B. as being king   C. like king    D. as if a king


121. Let's cut the apple ____ and share it.

  A. into half    B. by half    C. in half    D. in halves


120. The city is about ____ ride from here.

  A. one and a half hour's       B. one-and-a-half-hour

  C. one and half hour        D. one and a half  hours'


119. He is a worker and a poet ____ .

  A. also     B. well     C. as well   D. either


118. The Chinese generally show respect _____ .

  A. their elders  B. to their elders  C. for their elders  D. with their elders


117. In the old days a lot of people died ____  hunger and diseases.

  A. of     B. with     C. because    D. for

