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5. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If

   not, you may ____ run over by a car. (2002


   A. have   B. get

   C. become   D. turn

   [解析]选B本题考查get + 过去分词的用法,get +




4. Yes. ____ more words and expressions and you

   wm find it easier tO read and communicate.


   A. Know   B. Knowing

   C. To know   D. Known



3. Do let your mother know all the truth. She

   appears ____ everything.

   A. tell   B. to be told

   C. to be telling   D. to have been told







2. "We can't go out in this weather," said Bob,

   ____ out of the window. (2004全国卷)

   A. looking   B. to look

   C. looked   D. having looked




1. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there

   because there wasn't always ____ much to do.

   (2004 广东)

   A. such   B. that

   C. more   D. very




4. -- Don't make any noise. My child is sleeping.

   -- ____.

    A. No, I don't

    B. Oh, I'm sorry

    C. Yes, I know

    D. I didn't do that thing



4. ____ in the queue for half an hour, Tom sudden-

  ly realized that he had left his wallet at home. (2004)

   A. To wait        B. Have waited

  C. Having waited   D. To have waited


[考点 1]Asking for permission 征求许可

(2004 广东)

  Do you mind if I open the window?

…   I feel a bit cold.

   A. of course not.

   B. I'd rather you didn't.

   C. Go ahead.

   D. Why not?

[答案与解析]B  本题考查对征求许可的应答用语。

根据所提供的情景“I feel a bit cold”,说明对方不愿意



① Could We / I...?

② May / Can I...?

③ Shalll / we...?

④ Is it possible...?

⑤ Do / Would you mind...?

⑥ Is it all right if l sit here?

⑦ I wonder if I could smoke here.


① Yes, please.

② Sure / Certainly.

③ That's all right.

④ Of course, you can / may.

⑤ Please do.

⑥ Go ahead, please.

⑦ I'm sorry, it's not allowed.

⑧ I'm afraid not.

⑨ You'd better not.

[考点2] Giving instructions 发出指令

(2004湖北) ____ follow the instructions given at

the top of the page.

   A. You're sure   B. Be sure to

   C. Sure to   D. Sure about

[答案与解析]B  本题考查表达指令的功能意念。此

句Be sure to do意为“务必做……”,所以B项正确。



① Build the frame of the kite by making...

② Tie the corners of the handkerehief to the points of

  the cross...

③ Add a tail to the frame and tie a Iong string to the


④ First, fix a sharp piece of metal...Second, fasten a

  key to the end of the long string...Third, tie a silk

  ribbon to the string...

⑤ Fly the kite when...


Don't touch anything unless your teacher tells you to.

[考点3]Discussing and evaluating pros and cons 讨论和


-- It's more expensive to live in the city than to live in

  the country, I think.

-- ____. Living in the city brings people more con-

  venience, though.

   A. You're wrong

   B. I'm sorry to hear that

   C. I couldn't agree more

   D. That's all right

[答案与解析]C  本题考查讨论和评估赞成与反对的

功能项目。根据所提供的情景“living in the city

brings people more convenience, though.”,时话一方





阐述优点 (advantages) 时:

① It's good for the economy.

② It can help many people in the future.

③ It is cleaning and does not pollute the air.

④ It is important for science.

⑤ It brings people more comfort.


① It is too expensive.

② It is dangerous or bad for your health.

③ It is bad for the environment.

④ It is unnecessary.

⑤ Some people wm use it for other things.


    B. OK !

    C. Is that really necessary?

    D. That's it.


3. ____ of deaths from heart disease will be reduced

  greatly if people are persuaded to eat more fruit and


   A. The number     15. A number

   C. A lot of       D. Many


2.  ____ careful while crossing the street.

   A. Your being      B. To be

   C. Do be         D. Being


1. He ____ to the railway station, only to find the

  train had been away for 5 hours.

   A. did go        B. had gone

   C. had to go       D. has gone

