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11、- How much do you _____ mending a pair of shoes?

- $ 15.

A. ask   B. spend for  C. charge for  D. pay


10、She sat there without her shoes on, ________.

A. watching  B. watched   C. looking   D. looked


9、______ the windows ______ the pictures of different styles.

A. Among; hang   B. Between; hanged  C. Among; hanging  D. Between; hang


8、________ several years he has been working like this.

A. In   B. After   C. For   D. Since


7、- Are you married?

-No, still______.

A. one   B. single   C. separate   D. myself.


6、_________ surprise you have brought us!

A. What a   B. What   C. How a   D. How


5、Finally they managed to find a path _______.

A. to follow  B. following  C. to go   D. going


4、The old man came, _____a big dog.

A. followed   B. following by  C. and following  D. followed by


3、They traveled ________, all the way up to Wisconsin .

A. the north   B. in the north  C. north   D. the south


2、The vase rolled over the table, fell onto the floor and ______.

A. was broken  b. broke  C. breaking   D. broken

