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11、They live on their small farm ____ the family with corn.

A. providing to  B. provided  C. providing  D. provided to


10、Don’t touch the ____ wire. It’s dangerous.

A. alive  B. lives  C. lived   D. live


9、The telephone lines were brought down by the  _____ trees and branches.

A. fall  B. fallen   C. fell   D. falling


8、The man insisted that he ____ nothing wrong and that he _____ free.

A. had done; be set   B. did; was  C. had done; would be  D. did; would be


7、Against ____advice from his friends, he insisted ____alone at the rush hour.

A. a; on traveling  B. the; to travel  C. the; on traveling  D. at; to travel


6、-Can I _________,  sir?

-Yes, please. Two dinks.

A. order you  B. have your order  C. obey your order  D. order


5、So far the young man hasn’t had any success; ______ he will keep trying.

A. whenever   B. no matter   C. wherever   D. however


4、-Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane _____take off soon?

-Oh, yes. In five minutes.

A. about to   B. starting to  C. beginning to   D. to


3、_____for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their personal affairs.

A. Being known   B. Having known  C. Well known   D. Knowing


2、As soon as the manager enterd his office, he began to ______the telephone.

A.look up   B. look upon   C. look through  D look for

