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6、After graduation in 1997, he took _____degree in Florida .

A. another   B. the pother  C. other   D. others


5、They have got ___ so far.

A. as many equipment as we do    B. as much equipment as we are

C. as many equipments as we have  D. as much equipment as we have


4、He took a second driving test and finally ________.

A. succeeded in passing it    B. succeeded in it

C. succeeded to through     D. succeeded to pass it.


3、The Whites are leading a very happy life; the farm is big enough for them to ____.

A. live on   B. live   C. live in    D. live with


2、He has collected ___ six hundred dollars.

A. as many as    B. so many as    C. so much as   D. as much as


1、-_____ the letter on your way to office.

-O K. I _______.

A. Don’t forget posting; will    B. Do remember to post; will

C. Do forget to post; do       D. Do remember posting; do


15、The new law has come into _____; surely it will have _____on industry of the country.

A. affect; an effect  B. effect; affect  C. effect; an effect  D. an effect; an effect


14、______the house was started before she went to Africa and now it is still under construction.

A. Working  B. Working at  C. Working on   D. Work on


13、They have made medicine from a new plant _____a cure for fever.

A. used it as  B. using as  C. and used as   D. used as


12、-Does it matter if I give it up this time?

- It ____if you do. You won’t have ______chance.

A. does; the other     B. does ; second

C. does matter; another  D. does matter; the other

