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7. Was it near the white building, if I may ask, __________ Martin Luther King gave a speech “I have a dream”?

A. where     B. that      C. why     D. in which


6. They keys were __________ to our neighbours during our absence.

A. given out    B. given away    C. given over   D. given up


5. –Are you a teacher?

  --No, but I ________.

A. used to     B. was used to    C. used to be    D. used to do


4. –Could I make a few remarks on the discussion?

  --Yes, of course you _________.

A. should    B. must    C. can    D. could


3. It’s important that enough money _________ for the project.

A. be collected   B. must be collected   C. was collected   D. can be collected


2. –You _________ here all the way through the thick snow last night. There was nothing important.

  --Yes, but I didn’t know.

A. didn’t need to come            B. don’t need to come

C. needn’t have come             D. needn’t come


1. Bob used to be a lazy boy, but he is __________ doing his homework very seriously tonight.

A. setting out   B. preparing for   C. going about   D. putting on


15. _________ is known to us is that the old doctor, for _________ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his late life.

A. As; whom   B. What; whom   C. It; whose   D. As; whose


14. Helen, when you receive some e-mails, don’t answer any e-mail ________ your private information, however official they look.

A. seeking   B. asking    C. requesting   D. accepting


13. The famous painting that is __________ so much praise can be seen in the museum.

A. with    B. beyond     C. without   D. within

