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15、The bus driver was badly ___on both legs in the traffic accident.

A. wounded   B. broken   C. injured   D. destroyed


14、- This is _____room I told you about.

- I see. Is it _______bright one?

A. a; a    B. the; a   C. the; the    D. a; the


13、Hainan is _______-island.

A. China ’s second largest      B. the China ’s second largest

C. the second China ’s largest    D. China’s the second largest


12、- I’m going to Qingdao . Would you mind looking after my dog?


A. Sorry, I have no time     B. I’d rather not

C. With pleasure          D. No, I wouldn’t


11、-Will you go to the exhibition tomorrow?

-Yes. I will go ____it’s windy.

A. if   B. even though   C. as soon as   D. as though


10、Everybody in our country, men and women, old and young_____sports and games.

A. are fond of  B. enjoys   C. got in for   D. take part in


9、Be sure to go to the concert with me, _____?

A. will you  B. aren’t you   C. mustn’t you   D. don’t you


8、______ has already been pointed out, grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A. As   B. It     C. That    D. This


7、-There is a lot of smoke coming out of the teaching building.

-Really? It _____be a fire, most probably.

A. can    B. ought to   C. have to    D. must


6、-Did you find your new dictionary?

-Yes. I found it ____I had left it.

A. in where  B. in the place which

C. where   D. which

