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15、The purpose of the advertisements is to ______people’s attention, _____them to buy the things.

A. pay; attract  B. draw; persuade  C. attract; persuade   D. attract; persuading


14、Staring into his eyes, I could see a _______ look in his eyes.

A. puzzle  B. puzzling   C. puzzled   D. puzzley


13、I am here not because I want to earn money ________I want to educate the children.

A. but  B. but because     C. but for     D. and because


12、- Can you see what is written on that?

- It _____”No Camping”.

A. reads    B. is read    C. writes     D. is reading


11、In the past five years Tomlison with his daughter _______all over the world.

A. has travelled  B. traveled  C. have traveled  D. were traveling


10、I don’t think I am ____ ; it is said that _______- is the mother of success.

A. a failure; failure       B. failure; a failure

C. a failure; a failure      D. failure; failure


9、Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers ________ advertising.

A. are another  B. is the other  C. are other   D. is another


8、- Is this the newspaper __________?

-Yes, it is.

A. of yesterday   B. yesterday’s  C. for yesterday   D. to yesterday


7、I’ve been waiting here____ morning; they haven’t showed up yet.

A. all the   B. the whole    C. whole    D. the all


6、Readings of this sort have _____ on the children.

A. an ill effect   B. have a effect  C. a badly effect   D. affect

