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15、You’d better change another book because ___page of the book is torn, and ______cover looks old.

A. the; the   B. a; a     C. a; the     D. the; a


14、It was five o’clock in the afternoon ____they arrived at the hotel.

A. since   B. before   C. that   D. when



-Thank you. I will.

A. I wish you happiness       B. I greatly appreciate our friendship

C. May I help you?          D. Remember me to your family


12、- Have you seen ______ workers pass by?

- Yes, I’ve seen ____ them.

A. woman; hundreds of        B. women; hundreds of

C. woman; two hundred of      D. women; hundred of


11、______life in a new country can be difficult, it can broadcast a person’s view of the world.

A. If   B. Although   C. Because   D. While


10、In order to repay the money they borrowed, 60 % of the farmers _____cash crops.

A. are forced growing      B. is forced growing

C. grows              D. grow


9、90 % of the debts _______ so far.

A. is paid back   B. have been paid off  C. has been paid off  D. are paid off


8、________cash crops will be produced next year is not yet decided.

A. It   B. What   C. That   D. Which


7、He is ______ to come back tonight. Then we’ll have a small party.

A. most like  B. most likely   C. mostly like  D. very much like


6、They say in many western countries a large number of beef cattle ________.

A. are raised   B. is raised  C. is risen   D. rise

