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15、Now the city is ______ it used to be.

A. three times as large as     B. three time larger as

C. larger as three times as     D. as three times larger than


14、In the country area about one in ten ______ have enough to eat.

A. haven’t   B. aren’t   C. hadn’t   D. didn’t


13、Your bicycle looks _____ as mine. When did you get it?

A. same   B. like   C. the same   D. /


12、- Could you tell me where Mr. Smith lives?

- Well, he is ______here. He passed away three years ago.

A. no longer  B. no more   C. not more   D. not longer


11、The wounded policeman ____though doctors made every effort to save him.

A. died   B. had died   C. killed   D. has been dead


10、Hw went swimming on a hot day, ________.

A. only to be drowned     B. so as to be drowned

C. in order to be drowned   D. so that he could be drowned


9、Only in this way, directed by the teacher, ______work out the problem the day before.

A. had they  B. they could   C. could they   D. did they


8、Jack is the ______- child in the family; he wants to have a brother.

A. one   B. single  C. only   D. separate


7、As we all know, two thirds of the earth’s surface is water, ___ a lot of fish.

A. provided   b. providing  C. which provides  D. it provides


6、More than one girl _____, as we expect.

A. has come  B. had come   C. came   D. have come

