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15、We all look forward ____ your beautiful country.

A. to visiting   B. to visit   C. to    D. visiting


14、He is _____ an American as an apple pie.

A. so    B. the same    C. as the    D. as


13、We have already placed an order ____ that company _____ the machines.

A. for; with   B. for ; for   C. with; for   D. to; with


12、Thank you very much. Without your help, I _______the exams.

A. could not pass        B. could not have passed

C. did not pass          D. could not passed


11、One of the orders that we received was that we ______ there on time.

A. get    B. got to   C. arrived    D. would get


10、_____ all the inventions have in common is ____ they have succeeded.

A. What; what  B. That; that   C. What; that   D. That; what


9、- Did you enjoy the book?

- Yes, it was so interesting that I couldn’t _____ it.

A. get rid of  B. break away from   C. keep away from  D. tear myself away from


8、We _______ at the house as we _______ of buying it.

A. looked; were thinking      B. looked; had thought

C. were looking; thought      D. were looking; were thinking


7、Perhaps this is the only market ____ you can get such cheap goods.

A. that   B. of which    C. by which     D. where


6、Work starts every day at 7 a.m. and goes on until late afternoon _____ a break at midday .

A. by  B. with  C. for    D. after

