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10、Because it was snowing hard, buses could _________ get through, _____did taxi appear on the street.

A. both; and   B. either; or   C. not only; but also   D. neither; nor


9、They believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days, ______someone always stays with the dead person.

A. so during this time   B. so during which

C. during this time     D. so when


8、- How often do you go to see your parents?

- __________.

A. In no time  B. After a while  C. In a short time   D. From time to time


7、- I am sorry to have shouted at you. I didn’t mean to be so rude.

- You were very angry. Anyway,  __________.

A. you’re welcome   B. that’s right   C. it doesn’t matter  D. I’m sorry about that


6、- Why not take _______ friend with you? Then you can share ______ cost of the car.

- That sounds like a good idea.

A. a; a   B. the; the   C. a; the   D. the; a


5、From the classroom window we saw a huge snake _____ the yard.

A. crossing  B. cross   C. across   D. having crossed


4、_______ in the Kooris for years, I decided to learn their langyage.

A. Being interested       B. interesting

C. Having interested      D. To be interested


3、Meeting _________, managers left the room one by one.

A. finishing   B. being finished  C. having finished  D. finished


2、_____ the office work, he came to the sitting room and relaxed a while.

A. Finishing   B. Being finished   C. Having finished  D. Finished


1、- Do you know where Mary is?

- She has gone away ____ the weekend.

A. at   B. on   C. during   D. for

