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6、Can you tell me ______ to join the army?

A. how does a person have to be old  B. how old does a person have to be

C. how old a person has to be      D. how a person has to be


5、I remember _______ the key in the box under the bed, but it’s not there!

A. putting   B. to put   C. put   D. being put


4、- Who is the man_______ here?

- Captain Cook.

A. in the charge   B. under the charge   C. in charge   D. in charge of


3、They all say TITANIC is a good movie which is worth ______second time.

A. seeing the   B. seeing a  C. to see a  D. being seen the


2、They were walking around the town _______ a place for the party.

A. in search of   B. to search  C.searching  D. searched for


1、________ himself with great strength, he raised himself.

A. Filled   B. To fill   C. Being filled   D. Filling


15、- I didn’t enjoy the play given by those young people.

- ______.

A. Me, either  B. Me, too   C. I, either   D. I, too


14、What a big surprise to see you here! I _______ you ____ still abroad.

A. think; were  B. thought; are  C. think; are  D. thought; were


13、- What caused the fire?

- ______.

A. Because of a cigarette end   B. cigarette end caused

C. A cigarette end          D. Because a cigarette did


12、After the party was over, the children were asked to _____the fire.

A. put up  B. put out  C. put off  D. put away

