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1、Dear Jenny, thank you for your letter which ______ on April 1st.

A. arrived  B. arrived at   C. arriving  D. arrived me


15、- You are not afraid of snakes, are you?

- No, certainly not. Not rats, not flies, and ____ ants.

A. at best  B. at least   C. best of all   D. least of all


14、Neither is that _______ .

A. your nor is that mine    B. yours nor is that me

C. yours nor that is mine    D. yours nor is that mine


13、I don’t know the ____ income of the family, but I do know it is very small.

A. true   B. real   C. actual   D. exactly


12、I liked this new house, but I hadn’t expected it ______ so small.

A. to be   B. be   C. of being   D. to being


11、The heavy rainfall has caused vegetable prices to rise daily ______ the last two months.

A. by   B.since   C. for   D. with


10、- What place is it?

-Haven’t you found out we ______back where we ______?

A. were; had been  B. are; were  C. were; have been   D. are; had been


9、- Why ask me to take that early bus?

- Because that bus _______ the 9:30 train at Boston .

A. joins to  B. joins up   C. unites with   D. connects with


8、- _________.

- Thank you. I certainly will.

A. Happy birthday to you.     B. let me help you with your maths

C. Don’t forget to post the letter  D. Please remember me to your family.


7、-What did you think of the place?

- I didn’t care for it at ____first, but after ____ time I got to like it.

A. /; a   B. the; a   C. a; the   D. /; the

