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11、The rescue party ____ four days later when no traces of the missing hikers could be found.

A. gave up their hopes     B. put away their hopes

C. cherished hope        D. gave up hope


10、- Where did you get that handsome picture?

- It was _______ by my father.

A. given for us      B. a gift to us

C. given to us       D. a gift for us


9、- Did you have a good time?

- Wonderful. You really gave me some excellent advice _______ the best places to visit.

A. in  B. on   C. above   D. over


8、- When did you give that to Mr. Bell?

-As soon as I could last week; I ________ it to him.

A. had given  B. would give   C. gave   D. was giving


7、-It’s too bad you fell down during the race.

- Yes, but I could never ________ the other runners anyway.

A. catch up with        B. have caught up

C. have caught up with    D. catch up


6、- Why was Fred so upset?

- He isn’t used _______ criticized.

A. be    B. to be     C. to being   D. having been


5、I _______ bacon and eggs every morning.

A. am used to eat      B. used to eating

C. am used to eating    D. use to eat


4、The old man asked her to leave because he _______-in that chair.

A. used to sit      B. was used to sit

C. used to sitting    D. was used to sitting


3、“X” _______  for the unknown quantity.

A. puts   B. stands    C. sits     D. goes


2、By the time he gets home, his aunt ______ for Puerto Rico .

A. will leave  B. leaves   C. will have left  D. left

