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1、I need your help. Your friendship is a great help to me. I________.

A. meant it  B. mean   C. meant    D. meant serious


15、- What shall we get Jane for her birthday?

- ___________.

A. What is she wanting     B. What does she want

C. What she wants         D. What she is wanting


14、The history of nursing _____ the history of man.

A. as old as       B. is also old

C. that is as old as    D. is as old as


13、The chairman requested that _____________.

A.the members studied more carefully the problem

B.the problem was more carefully studied

C.with more carefulness the problem could be studied

D.the members study the problem more carefully


12、-Shall we go ?

-No, ________.

A. not allowed      B. not shall

C. shall not         D. let’s not


11、-What excuse did John give for his rudeness at the meeting?

- He didn’t even mention it, ______ explain it.

A. let alone       B. and even not

C. or not         D. as opposed to


10、Please don’t leave without ______the lights.

A. you turn off    B. to turn off

C. turning off     D. you’ll turn off


9、To reject an offer is to turn it _________.

A. out   B. over   C. back   D. down.


8、To ask someone for help is to turn ________him.

A. to  B. for   C. on     D. by


7、-Is the radio bothering you?

- It certainly is. I’d like it _______off.

A. turning    B. to turn   C. turned   D. turns

